Page 28 of Yes, Captain

“So you’re dating? How did that go down with the staff and crew?”

“Overall okay, but there was a problem with one of the other entertainers.” Will unconsciously touched the healing cut under his lip and reversed his earlier decision to play things down. He’d sworn to be honest to himself and to those around him. Starting to downplay Gerard’s actions would only come between them. “Had a bit of a scuffle with him, but no one else has given us any grief, and he’s off the ship now. We left him in Sydney.”

Her eyes widened and she sucked in a breath. “Oh, baby, don’t let him be bullied because of who you are. Haul those bastards over the coals.” Will smiled; his mum was already protective of Eddie. When he didn’t say anything, she asked, “What?”

“You never once stuck up for Stefan. You said right from day one that you didn’t like him. But now you’re telling me to discipline people if they’re picking on Eddie.”

“That’s his name? Eddie?” When Will nodded, she smiled but then let out a sad little sigh. “You aren’t the same person you were when you met Stefan, Will. You’ve grown a lot since then and know yourself so much better. I like Eddie already because Stefan never made you smile like you are now. You’ve got the look of someone who is totally and hopelessly smitten.” She wiggled her eyebrows playfully and added, “Either that or its post-orgasm satisfaction. Oh, is he there with you? Can I meet him?”

Will shook his head. “He isn’t here.” He’d stretched out then and clutched the pillow Eddie had slept with. It still smelt of him, and Will inhaled deeply as he huddled it close. His mum had a knowing smile on her face, and Will couldn’t help his blush. There was a piece of lint on the linen that needed brushing away. Repeatedly. Looking away from the camera, he smoothed down the pillowcase but couldn’t help his grin. His mother had a “no boundaries” kind of approach to sex, and he knew she’d catch onto his action. “So anyway, let’s talk about something else.”

“Why, Willy? Is he that good?” She was the devil dressed in sheep’s clothing, his mother. Becoming comically serious, with wide eyes and her mouth formed in an O, she asked, “Or is he bad? If you need some tips, you can talk to Brett. He’s straight, obviously, but he and I smoke up the sheets.”

“No, Ma, he doesn’t need any tips from the man who is sleeping with my mother. And I don’t either.” Will held his hand up to halt her interruption. “Thanks anyway, but no.”

“Happy to help, Will,” Brett yelled from the background as his mother cackled. He was as bad as Will’s mum, and Will wondered why karma was biting him on the arse.

“Thanks, Brett. S’all good though.” Will laughed, shaking his head.

“We want to meet him, Will,” his mum added quietly. “Face-to-face, in the flesh. When you’re ready, we want you to come home and let us get to know him properly. And don’t you dare do anything rash like last time.”

“I know I’ve apologized to you for that.” He blew out a breath, ashamed of how self-centred he was back then. “But I am sorry for leaving you out of something as important as my wedding. I was pissed with you for calling me out on it, even though I totally deserved it. But then you helped me pick up the pieces and supported me unconditionally when it all turned to shit. I was so selfish, but I promise you, Ma, it’ll be different this time around.”

His mum put a hand over her heart, and tears sprang to her eyes. When she took a shaky breath, he knew he’d hit close to home for her. “Will, baby, you look after your man, okay? I want him to come home with you so I can make sure he loves you like you deserve.”

“I will, Ma,” he whispered. “Love you.”

“You take care, baby. Keep all those people safe. Love you too.” His mum touched her fingers to her lips and held her hand out as if to pass Will the kiss through the screen. He did the same before cutting the connection.


Days had passed, and he and Eddie were, once again, like ships in the night, barely having seen each other. The day’s stopover at Mare had gone smoothly, everyone off and back on-board safely. Blue bottle jellyfish had swarmed the island’s main swimming beach, so Ezio had been busy for most of the day treating stings, passing on messages to the helm for warnings to be given to guests. He was keeping an eye on one severe reaction, but Will was assured that the patient was stable and in no need of further emergency medical attention.

He stood on the bridge as they sailed away from the tiny island community, the sun setting before them. It was idyllic there, pristine white sand, swaying palm trees, and only the sound of the ocean washing up against the calm beaches.

He took a sip from the coffee cup and grimaced as the cold liquid hit his tongue. Will turned to listen to one of his staff reporting on the reef they were skirting the edge of on the way to deeper water at the same time as he stepped over to the drinks cart and set the cup and saucer down.

He heard the clatter behind him and turned to see the cup slip off the edge of the saucer and crash down in slow motion. He jumped back only to crash into another staff member and watched as coffee spilled across his jacket and in a line down his pant leg. “Damn it,” he swore, reaching for a napkin neatly folded on the trolley containing their evening meal.

Taking off his jacket, he tossed it to the side and dried off his pants as best he could while seeing to the safe journey of the Dreamcatcher out of shallower waters and into the cruise ship channels.

Will yawned and got a whiff of himself. He’d pulled some long shifts in the last few days. He needed a shower—stat—and his five hours of free time the next day away from the ship. All he had to do was get them to Lifou. Then he could spend the day lying blissed out on the beach or floating in the ocean. If Eddie was with him, it would be heaven. If not, he’d figure out a way to spend some time with him too.

He noticed the key card that had been pushed under the door as soon as he opened it during his thirty-minute break later that night. There was a note stuck to it too.

Hey, handsome

I’ve missed you. Heard a rumour that you always try to spend the day at Lifou. Good thing I’ve pulled done some overtime since Gerard got fired, and I’m owed a few hours. Would love some company ashore if you can.

The hot dancer who wants to see you naked in his shower tonight.

Will laughed at the note, snagged the key, and collected a new uniform. He was at Eddie’s door in two minutes, swiping the card against the lock. He stepped inside and closed the door quietly behind him, unsure whether Eddie would have finished for the night and be asleep or whether his schedule was as off as Will’s.

Will received a happy surprise when he stepped past the entrance to the bathroom into the room. Eddie lay fast asleep on his stomach, his naked arse looking like perfect round peaches ready to devour. Will wanted to bite into each of the globes and take Eddie to heaven with his mouth.

But he didn’t have time.

The devil on his shoulder taunted Will. Tease him. Taste him. It didn’t take much persuasion before Will caved, stripped, and crawled on the bed with Eddie, straddling his legs and licking a trail up his firm hamstring with its light dusting of hair, over his arse to the small of his back. Will hardened even more when Eddie moaned and lifted his hips, presenting his arse to Will in his sleep. Will slid his hand between Eddie’s legs to fondle his balls, the warm skin soft to the touch, and licked his arse cheek.