Page 4 of Boardwalk Queen

Neither of us wanted this.

And I couldn’t even imagine how Ava would take the news. She would be devastated. I was a coward for not telling her before we got into the shower this morning.

It was the least she deserved.

But with Ava, nothing was black and white. We still weren’t sure if she would side with her father. And if she did, that would change everything between us.

“You have no reason to worry. I won’t be unfaithful.”

I was so good at lying it was like second nature. The only time I told the truth was when I was with Ava. Nothing was faked or forced with her. She knew me better than anyone else in this world.

She beamed with a smile that lit up her face. “Good. I’m glad we’re on the same page.”

Her father cheated on her mother. Even her brothers stepped out on their wives. I wouldn’t be here if my dad hadn’t gone behind Guilia’s back and slept with my mom.

Vittoria was either naive or stupid to think made men were saints. Whores let us do the nasty shit we wouldn’t do with wives. Although, the more I thought about keeping Ava around long-term, the more I wanted one woman.

Vittoria flashed a pleased smile. “I should see what our mothers are up to in the kitchen. We’ll talk soon about the wedding.”

I stood in the same spot for several minutes after she walked away. My heart wouldn’t stop racing, beating so loudly my ears rang. So I removed my cell phone from my pocket and flipped through the pictures. I took a few shots of Ava when she was sleeping. She looked so peaceful, so damn beautiful.

* * *

An hour later, the Vitales left my dad’s penthouse, promising to return for dinner to announce the engagement in front of our friends and family.

I sat in the living room with my brothers. The twins were on each side of Dante, dressed in the same black Gucci suit. Except Angelo wore a gold tie and Stefan red. They drank from the glasses in their hands, eyeing me up. The three of them always tried to gang up on me. I felt their gazes sear my skin and ignored it. Years of putting up with their shit had thickened my skin.

Dante tipped the glass of scotch to his lips and laughed as he drank. “Nico is marrying the bride of Frankenstein.” Another laugh. “Dad must hate you to make you marry that ugly bitch.”

Angelo snorted with laughter. “More like the bride of Chucky.”

Stefan snickered. “Nico does whatever Dad tells him to do. He’s so desperate for his love.”

“Fuck all of you,” I shot back, anger surging through my veins. “If Dad told you to marry Vittoria, you would. So shut the fuck up!”

Dante leaned forward on the sofa, adjusting his cufflinks, his dark, menacing gaze meeting mine. “You better remember what I told you earlier. Don’t get soft on us, Pretty Boy.”

I hated that nickname.

At least I didn’t have a nickname like Greasy Joe or Little Scarface. Some people whisperedre pazzobehind Dante’s back.

Mad king.

They would never say that shit to his face unless they had a death wish. I’d seen Dante whack people for less.

“I won’t.” I gritted my teeth. “The Vitales will wish they hadn’t agreed to the marriage when I’m done with Vittoria.”


I didn’t give a fuck about avenging the attack on Angelo. If I had to go through with the marriage, I would ignore Vittoria until she got bored with me. I had no intention of ever putting a hand on her. She was lucky she was engaged to me and not one of my brothers.

They would have killed her.

Dante raised his glass. “Salute.”
