Page 5 of Boardwalk Queen

Present Day

They were going to kill us. As I gasped for air, clutching my chest, each breath was more shallow than the last. I sat up straight, hoping it would help to clear my airway.

Nico hunched beside me and put his hand on my shoulder. “Ava, where’s your inhaler?”

“Bathroom,” I choked out, wheezing so badly my voice was hoarse.

“In the bathroom at your penthouse?” Nico clarified.

I bobbed my head.

Without another word, he ran out of the room and disappeared into the hallway.

“Can someone please get Ava a black coffee?” Dad asked with panic in his tone. “It will help to open her airway.”

Salvatore snapped his fingers at the staff. “Coffee. Now!”

Seconds later, a woman slid a steaming cup of coffee in front of me. My hand shook as I lifted the mug and took a sip. Everyone stared at me like some circus freakshow.

My eyes shifted to Bella, who sat beside her parents. She had her hand over her heart, breathing almost as hard as me. This wasn’t the first time she saw one of my attacks. The last time, she nearly fainted before she helped me find my inhaler that had fallen out of my purse.

Stefan put his hand on my thigh. “Ava, take slow breaths. Drink the coffee.” Rubbing my knee, he softly said, “Just relax, okay?”

Why was he being so nice if they were going to kill me?

I nodded and drank from the cup, feeling some of the effects of the caffeine working through my body.

I liked Stefan.

He was funny and easygoing, the joker of the group. Whenever I was around him, I felt at ease. I could be myself and lower my guard. He even helped me work through my therapy techniques with me.

Angelo moved behind me and stroked my back in a circular motion, which helped to ease the tension. Stress worsened my asthma. I’d never been in a life or death type of situation until now.

“Deep breaths,” he said in a soft tone.

I loved being cared for by the twins.

Of course, Dante didn’t budge from his chair. He sat beside his father, staring at me from beneath his dark brows. A hint of concern touched his eyes, but his expression was unreadable.

Nico entered the dining room, shoved Angelo out of the way, and put the inhaler in front of my lips. “Here, baby,” he whispered, tucking my hair behind my ear. “Take a deep breath.”

After seeing me do it a few times, Nico knew what to do. I opened my mouth and took a slow, deep breath as he pressed down on the top of the canister. I held in the medicine for ten seconds and then blew it out before taking one more puff.

Everyone watched this odd display of affection from all three brothers. They gave me strange looks. If I were watching this play out, I would have wondered why these men were hovering around one woman.

To an outsider, it had to be obvious I was fucking all of them. The Lucianos wouldn’t have done this for another employee.

Stefan was on my right, touching my leg like a protective boyfriend. Angelo brushed his fingers beneath the strap of my dress over my bare skin. It seemed strange to have both of them fuss over me when I was seconds from death.

Or was I?

Maybe I had jumped to conclusions and made a scene for nothing.

Nico grazed my cheek with his knuckles. “Do you need me to call the doctor?”

I shook my head. “No, I don’t think so.”

He took my hands in his and sighed. “You have to remember to bring your inhaler with you.” His gaze dropped to our hands. “Fuck, you can’t scare me like that.” He rubbed over the red marks on my wrist, and his jaw clenched as our eyes met. “Who did this to you?”