“Okay,” I reply, stepping closer. “Fine. I admit it. I don’t want my men looking at you, Ali. Is that so bad for me to say?”

I reach in and slip my hands around her waist. It’s slim and tight and causes my dick to twitch beneath my pants. Jesus, what a beauty. Only a tiny pair of shorts between us too. I’m charged up and want to take her into her room and strip her naked. She knows what she’s doing to me. She’s not stupid.

But as I move closer to press my body against hers, she does something I don’t expect.

She takes me by the wrists and moves my hands off of her waist.

And then she backs away from me.

“I know you are a very important man, Mr. Francis,” Ali says, her voice low and deliberate. “And I know you must be very used to getting your way. But I hope you know that the internship in your HR department was something very important to me. And if you think that I’m going to get with you after you decide not to give it to me, simply because you don’t want your men looking at me out of some sense of jealousy…well, Mr. Francis, you have got to be kidding me.”


Just like I can’t remember the last time I was this obsessed over a girl, I also can’t remember the last time a girl stood up to me like this either.

And I like it.

Ali’s eyes are blazing as she looks at me, and she’s standing up on her tippy toes to get up in my face in defiance. She’d be so cute and adorable if she wasn’t so utterly sexy.

“Kidding you, huh?” I ask, stepping closer, causing her to step back. “Kidding you how?”

“I’m not just going to hook up with you,” she replies, “because you’re my boss and you show up at my apartment.”

“So, you think you can resist me?”

Ali scoffs, waves a hand in the air. “Easily!”

“Yeah? Bet you a million dollars.”

She frowns. Her face distorts. “One million dollars? That what?”

I reach out, place a hand back on her hip. “That you can’t resist me, Ali.”

“You’re kidding, right?” she laughs, slightly nervously. “You’re going to bet me one million dollars that you can…seduce me?”

“That’s right.” I smirk, reaching out with one hand and leaning against the wall of her building, doing my best to give her the most arrogant, smug look I can muster.

“So if I hold out, I get one million dollars?”

“That’s right. But don’t worry; you don’t be able to.”

Ali frowns and looks down at her feet like she can’t believe what she’s saying. She thinks for a few seconds then looks back at me. “So you’re just that irresistible?”

Real fiery. I bet she’s a vixen in the sack.

“I guess you’ll see, won’t you?”

That one gets her good. Her eyes widen, and her jaw drops like she’s just seen an alien spaceship land behind me. She brings her lips together like she’s about to say something in response, thinks, then stops herself.

She closes her eyes, takes a deep breath, and then opens them again.

“Okay, Mr. Francis,” she says. “I’ll take that bet.”