I park, hop out of the car, and walk up the steps to Ali’s door. I can hear voices inside, but only female voices. She must have a friend over. I knock and wait. A few seconds later, another young girl answers the door.


“Is Ali home?” I ask. “I’m her boss, Mr. Francis.”

The girl, whoever she is, looks me up and down like a judgmental mother, then shakes her head. “No, she’s not here.”

She’s a good actress, but I’m also good at reading people, and I can tell she’s putting me on.

“Oh, no? Where is she?”

“Not here,” the girl retorts.

“Huh.” I nod. “I could have sworn she lived here.”

“Oh, she does.” The girl nods. “But like I said, she’s not here.”

The next thing I know, the door is being slammed in my face.

I hear footsteps thumping away, followed by muffled girl voices. Ali is definitely home, but definitely doesn’t want to speak to me, and it’s not hard to figure out why. I guess my reassignment of her position today pissed her off more than I thought.

“Shit,” I mutter as I stand there a moment debating. I suppose I could knock and be a pest, but that won’t do anything to brighten her mood. No, I’ll just go home for now, jerk off thinking about her, and see her tomorrow.

But just as I’m turning around to go back to my car, I hear the door open behind me.

“Well, well, well. Look who it is. My new boss at my house after hours.” I turn around to see Ali, wearing nothing but a pair of tiny mesh shorts riding high up over her slim waist and a tiny white T-shirt and damn does she look like a million bucks.

“Hey, Ali.” I smile, feeling like a schoolboy who just ran into his crush in the hallway. “Say, have you had dinner yet? Because if you haven’t—”

“If I haven’t, what?” she interrupts. “You come to invite me to eat, Zander?”

“Take it easy,” her roommate whispers from somewhere behind her.

“Well, yeah, I was thinking maybe you wanted to get some food—”

“You mean after you completely ruined the job I wanted,” she says, stepping forward. “And put me on the front desk position, which does nothing for my major? Then you want to come over here and hit on me by asking me out to dinner?”

Yeah, she’s definitely more upset than I thought she was.

“Ali, I’m sorry. Maybe I should explain.”

“Yeah, maybe you should,” she replies, crossing her arms over her chest with a glare that could kill.

“My men,” I say slowly. “They’re…they’re not exactly the most enlightened bunch of brutes you’ve ever been around.”

“Meaning?” she snaps back.

“Meaning if I were to put you around them…well, you might want to envision yourself as a nice medium-rare steak and them as a pack of hungry wolves.”

“Oh my God!” Ali laughs, throwing her head back. “You’ve got to be kidding me!”

Her back arches, causing her perky chest to perk out even more, her tits like a nice pair of sweet cupcakes on display. She really is a beauty.

“It’s for your own good, Ali.”

“My own good?” she asks, pointing a finger straight at me. “Or your own good?”

She’s on to me. Brains and good looks.