
My siren had no qualms about getting naughty in the office room but was suddenly shy after we fucked like animals on that table. I’m not the kind of man that sticks around, but never before has a woman been more eager to leave than I was. From sweet to sultry, this woman has already blown my mind, and it’s only been a mere few hours.

She bolted out of the room once she redressed with no more than a glance back at me, and now I can only watch her from across the dance floor. It’s not like I’m looking for love. I'm not that guy by a mile—but this woman is by far the most intriguing minx I have ever met. I touch my lip and remember her teeth, the sweet taste of her tongue, and I don’t think I’ll be forgetting that birdfor a very long time to come.

I find myself at the bar and my bandmates are ordering shots. This is a terrible fucking idea, but Ryan, the band manager, calls it bonding. He is also the wanker who bailed us out of jail when us boys get carried away too, so cheers.

Fireball, or so my American friends here call it, is waved in the air, and Marcus, the new album producer, is making a toast.

“To Headspace and all the great records to come!”

We all yell profanities, then take our drinks. The music thumps fast and loud, and still more shots are ordered and consumed. The boys and I party hard, drinking too much and knocking into each other and everyone nearby as we attempt dancing. The hours pass and soon the place is emptying out with only a few groups of partygoers still here.

Marcus is long gone, but Ryan helps us drunkards to the waiting limo. We’ve been touring for the last few years and calling a new city home every weekend. I’m not sure about these blokes, but I’m quite happy to be sleeping in the same bed for more than just a night. Haven’t had that since before I left home at sixteen years old. We have six months to write and record this album, then we’re on tour again to promote it for who knows how long.

I’m the last one up to the limo door and just before I duck in, I see her. Charlotte, sex kitten of my wildest fantasies, and she’s getting into her own limo. She looks my way and graces me with a coy smile for just a split second, and then she’s gone. Forever, I’m sure. This is a large city, and my chances of seeing the woman of my dreams again is slim to none. I know it’s for the best, wouldn’t work out between us, but damn, it’s nice to think about.

The driver pulls away from the convention center, and my mind is stuck on her. Luckily tomorrow my mates and I will be in our own flatsand I will freely be able to whack it with some privacy.

At the hotel we all stumble to our rooms, and I hit the pillow face-first and sleep hard. The next afternoon Ryan gets us all up and packed and grabs cabs for a couple of girls that stayed with Bandit, our drummer. His name is Carl, but don’t you dare call him that or he’s likely to knock your teeth out. He’s the founder of this rowdy bunch and probably the wildest.

Once the bus is all loaded, we make our way to Empire 39 and pile out. The sun is brutal and doesn’t help my killer hangover a bit. Ryan promised us food once we got here, and I can’t bloody wait.

The building offers a burst of cold air as we make our way inside and down the long hallway. A young guy we met at the party is at the desk, Mason I think his name was. He greets us and walks us back to Marcus and the studio room he favors.

As soon as the door opens, I notice the woman sitting in the back and freeze in disbelief. The familiar bouncy blond curls, the soft porcelain skin, my Charlotte is sitting on top of a table in the same room as I am right now. My beautiful siren who I never thought I would ever see again is here in front of me. I feel like I might still be drunk after all.

She doesn’t look up from a notebook she seems positively glued to. Maybe it’s because I want her to look at me so bloody badly.

“Hey! Good to see you guys alive today after that epic night,” Marcus jokes as he comes over to greet us.

At the interruption, Charlotte looks up and as soon as she sees me, she falls backwards off the table. I run over as fast as I can and pull her to her feet. Our eyes lock; she knows who I am just as I know it’s her, mask or no mask. Laughter fills the room, and she breaks out in a blush, then starts to laugh softly at her own blunder. She soon rights herself and pushes up the cutest fucking pair of black glasses I have ever seen. Never before has the sexy librarian look done it for me, but she had me at first blush.

Marcus introduces her as Charlie and the rest of the band all say hello. I simply wave, holding off, trying to think of what I’m going to say to her once we’re alone.

He goes on about how she’ll be writing songs with us and although she’s shy, she’s a badass. Shy? My Charlotte is shy? The woman is a total mystery to me, one I am dying to solve.

I’m even more surprised when they take us upstairs to the flat and he tells us she will be our neighbor. Apparently, they are close friends and he gives a proper threat as to not think about touching her. Its all in good fun when he says it, but her eyes find mine, and I can’t help the cocky grin that crosses my face. Marcus doesn’t notice but she does and I’m glad. I hope she also realizes how tight my jeans have become seeing her in that Ramones t-shirt and those sexy-as-fuck glasses. Her adorable emo look has me rock-hard as it mixes with the familiar smell of her perfume.

My assigned flat is conveniently right next to hers, and I both curse and thank the rock gods for my luck. Here I am making my rock star dreams come true and I meet the woman of my dreams. That is bad luck, but nothing is going to come of it. If she wanted another go like back at the masquerade, I’m a thousand percent down for it, but I’m back on tour as soon as this album is made, and I won’t be sticking around for any chick. No matter how perfect her body molded to mine when she was naked beneath me.