
How in the world is this real life? My first and greatest one-night stand is now my neighbor and the writer I have to work with for his new album. I’ve watched all of the bands YouTube videos and heard his voice when he sings, getting goosebumps at his lyrics. Still, I had no idea that he was the masked man from last night that swept me off my feet. Literally, tied me up with my own lace underwear and had his wicked way with me all while whispering the dirtiest words I had ever heard in his beautiful British accent.

Greatest night of my life hands down, but now he’s going to discover I’m nothing like the girl he met last night. I’m shy and nerdy and awkward in so many ways.

We kept our masks on last night, and it made it easier to pretend to be someone else. I never thought I’d recognize him even if I did see him again, but the moment he walked into the studio I knew. So I, of course, reverted back to clumsy Charlie and fell backwards. Karma is a funny thing; I had a night to remember and now I have to pay the consequences.

When Marcus started moving them all into each of their apartments upstairs, I bailed and ran fast to the record room to hide, like the shy coward I am. I’m blaring angsty emo, trying to get ahold of my feelings but soon Halsey’s “Him and I” starts to play and my mind drifts to Hudson. I admit I got down and dirty with the man not even knowing his name, and now that I know it, I can’t stop the dirty memories from flooding my thoughts.

I don’t love him like the love song, and I’m not even interested in pursuing a relationship with a soon-to-be rock star—that is the worst idea ever. I know it wouldn’t work; I see how hard it is on Simone and Mason and want no part of a relationship like that. Simone’s career is constantly taking her away from Mason, and I see and hear about all the pain that obstacle alone causes, so no, thanks. I’m good here, hiding from the world, but still I’m safe. I’ve had enough pain to last a lifetime. I’m better off alone.

Just as I’m finishing the thought, a husky voice singing the lyrics of G Eazy starts to echo, and I hear him walking through the maze of records. I designed this room myself and set up shop in the far back to be left alone, and yet my body starts to heat at the sound of his voice. Too soon, he peeks around the last corner and we make eye contact.

“Hello, Charlotte. Fancy seeing you again, isn’t it?”

“Extremely surprising.”

“A happy surprise, I hope. I don’t want to cause you any discomfort; you don’t have to avoid me. I do hope we can manage to work together, even with our history.” His smile curves up into a cocky grin I can’t help but adore.

“Yeah, sure, no problem,” I stutter out awkwardly and look back to my notebook, hating the magnetic pull I feel for him.

“I’m not sure I can completely forget our night together, but I’m the last guy looking for love. That being said, I would love to be friends. If that’s something you wouldn’t mind?”

His words are kind and friendly and still each one is full of heat that I can hear from the other side of the room. I can’t help the blush on my face and try to rub it away before I look up at him.

“Friends is fine. Good even. I’m not looking for anything at all with a rock star, so we are very much on the same page.” I throw up a weak smile and push my hair behind my ear.

“Great! So, tell me friend, what are you writing there?”

He comes over and sits on top of the long black table with me and his scent surrounds us. I gulp and fight my attraction, reminding myself of how incredibly impossible another hookup is. Then hand the notebook over to him, getting down from the table to give myself some breathing room.

“This is bloody brilliant, Charlotte. Is this song for Headspace? It seems a wee bit slow for the boys.”

“No, that’s just mine. If you turn the page back one, the one titled ‘Taken.’ That’s something I’ve been playing around with for you guys.”

Feeling a bit embarrassed that I handed him the notebook with my current lyrics that were in no way for his eyes, because in all honesty they were far too personal, I flip through the records closest to me, watching him as he reads through my words. I can’t help the giddy feeling rising up inside me when a smile graces his face. Not the cocky one I’ve already seen; this one is genuine and dare I say excited.

“I love it. I know Bandit will love it. I can’t believe you wrote this. These lyrics are damn raunchy, Charlotte.”

I just shrug it off and go to retrieve the notebook back from him, taking my seat back beside him, feeling a little less jittery.

“I have a few more started but nothing as complete as this one. How about you?”

“No. Forgive me, I’ll get something down on paper tonight; you have my word.”

He stares at me with a look of disbelief, which causes my stomach to somersault inside me. We continue to sit in comfortable silence for a while. Me plugging some words into my notebook and him watching over my shoulder and making suggestions that all work perfectly. He makes comments here and there, but it's mostly compliments so I don’t mind it. I find myself becoming comfortable around him again. It seems to come so easily with Hudson which surprises me. I’ve never made friends easily and like to stick to people I’ve already gotten to know and know me already and accept my weirdness. Everything is different with him though; he has an absurd power over my body, but it’s not just that. It’s something I don’t understand, at least not yet. Maybe this friends thing isn’t such a great idea, but we have no choice but to work together so I need to make it work.

He throws out beats both with his mouth and the table and chairs to make a rhythm and I start to say the words in tune, adding words that fit perfectly. I haven’t had this much fun in a long time, usually working alone when I’m writing songs. Too soon, the sun starts to set, the room dims, and I haven’t eaten much today and my stomach rumbles loudly, so we call it a night and head up to our apartments, chatting about a few song ideas that would fit the style of the album.

I’ve met a lot of people in the music industry so far, but they all mostly do it for money, fame, and attention. I don’t think he’s like that. Hudson genuinely seems to love the music, and writing comes easy to him. It’s easy to see he lives for it, breathes to create it. I don’t think he’s like anyone I’ve ever met before and hope I can keep any feelings from developing because I find everything about him interesting, and I already can’t wait to work together again. We make flirty eyes at each other as we open our doors and once inside, I fall back on the door and remind myself a thousand more times why we will never be anything more than friends. Maybe if I make it my new mantra, I’ll stick to it and not do anything stupid like fall for a rock star.