“Have a good day sweetheart,” he responds just as quietly.

“It was nice meeting you, White,” I tell the man standing beside Aden. Then, I say goodbye to Aden, starting to head inside, when I hear Michelle talking.

“Gavin, I wonder if I could have a word with you?” she says and it takes all my willpower not to turn around, scratch her eyeballs out and tell her to suck it, that Gavin is mine.

I resist, but only because I know Gavin won’t give her the time of day.

It’s me he wants.



“Earth to Gavin,” Michelle’s voice drones on. I ignore her. My eyes are on Casey in those jeans she’s wearing and the way they hug her curves and caress her ass when she walks.


“Christ he’s got it bad,” White says in the background.

“I told you,” Aden agrees.

Finally, when Casey turns the corner I force myself to look back at the others.

“I got it bad,” I laugh, not bothering to deny it. Aden and White laugh as only close friends can do. White understands. He’s been with Kayla for a while now, but Aden has no clue. He’s closer to White’s age, older than me, but there’s been no one in his life of substance. I only hope he gets to experience this feeling.

“Just a minute, Michelle,” I add when it’s clear the woman won’t leave. “Where are you and White headed?” I ask Aden, putting off talking to the woman who I find as annoying as gum on the bottom of your shoe lately. I’ve always avoided her, but since she almost fired Casey I’m having a hard time holding my tongue around her.

“We were going to head out and grab some coffee. Want to go?”

“Sure, I’m free until it’s time to pick Casey up. Let’s go,” I agree, falling in step behind them.

“Gavin. We really need to talk,” Michelle says, reminding me she’s still around.

“Michelle, my buddy is in from Texas, I haven’t seen him in over a year. This will have to wait,” I answer. I don’t want this bitch ruining my day. It’s going too damn good. Again, I curse the fact that I ever slept with her. It was probably the stupidest thing I’ve ever done.

“I’m afraid this can’t wait. It’s about Casey,” she says condescendingly. I don’t like the way she says Casey’s name and I don’t like the look on her face. I’ve never been one to flex my muscle in this industry, but I’m thinking it’s more than time to put Michelle in her place.

“Gavin?” Aden asks, and I don’t have to turn and look at him to know what he’s thinking. We know each other that well. He knows I’m pissed. He knows I’m about to go in for the kill and he’s wondering if he needs to step in.

“I’ve got this man,” I tell him, my eyes still on Michelle. “Say what you need to say and get it out Michelle.”

“I…well…” Perhaps she’s smarter than I’ve given her credit for, because she’s looking uncertain.

“Spit it out, Michelle.”

“Well, I mean I realize…what’s going on concerning Casey, but she can’t show up late and hold up production. We’re on a tight schedule as you know,” she begins. I know she sees the anger that surges through me, the pure fury that flares and is directed completely at her.

“And what the hell do you think is going on?” I growl enunciating the words precisely. I feel Aden and White coming in closer behind me. Michelle’s face goes pale and she stumbles back a few steps.

“Well…and I mean, I kind of overheard…”


“The day you made that bet with Aden. I heard what was said and while I realize boys will be boys…” she answers.

“Motherfucker,” Aden growls.

“Bet? What bet?” White asks.

I hold my head down. How could I have been such an idiot? Not the bet, fuck I never meant anything with that in the first place. I was pursing Casey regardless, but how did I get so stupid as to let Michelle overhear any of that shit. I pinch the bridge of my nose trying to figure out how to contain this shit before it blows up in my face.

“Casey didn’t want anything to do with Gavin and I bet him he couldn’t sleep with her,” Aden mumbles and he sounds as disgusted as I feel. I wince, hearing the words. It sounds much worse than it was.

“You did what?”

Casey’s still, soft voice drifts over me and her pain is so real it causes my heart to clench in pain mid-beat. I bring my head up to look at her. I need to try and figure out what the hell to say to her. How do I stop this disaster which is barreling towards me—like an out of control locomotive?

“Motherfucker,” Aden growls.

“Casey, honey. It’s not what it sounds like,” I plead, trying to figure out what I need to say to her. Everything is a fucking mess in my head, the only thing clear to me is the real fear and panic that I feel.