“Did you make a bet about sleeping with me, Gavin? Is that what this is all about?” she asks, standing so still, and somehow managing to look untouchable and shattered at the same time.

“No, not like that. Damn it, Casey.”

“Did he bet he could sleep with me?” she asks, but this time she directs her question to Aden.

“Casey,” Aden starts, but he stops, probably because Casey’s tears are flowing freely.

There’s a slight tremble running through her body. She swipes angrily at her tears, using the back of her hand. Her enraged gaze goes through all of us, until it finally lands back on me.

“Will someone answer me!?!?!” she screams and I know her control is gone. I cover the ten steps between us quickly, needing to be there when she falls. She will fall. She’s trembling so hard it hurts to watch.

“He bet he could sleep with you within two weeks. Apparently it didn’t even take that long.” This comes from Michelle. I want to turn on her, scream at her…choke her.

I do none of those things. Casey’s hand comes out and slaps me hard across the face. The blow packing enough of a punch it sends my face sideways. She doesn’t say anything to me. She walks away. My hand comes up to hold my jaw. My first instinct is to run after her, but I hesitate.

How can I make her listen to me?

“Why would you tell her that? What gave you the right? Why did you have to hurt her?” I scream at Michelle, but if I’m completely honest the anger and hate is all directed at myself. The questions are all questions that I’m asking myself.

“Because I could. Someone else should know how it feels to be used by the great Gavin O’Leary.”

“There was no point. She did nothing to you.”

“She had what once was mine. Women don’t like having that kind of thing rubbed in their faces, Gavin. You shouldn’t play a woman and expect us to roll over and take it. If you care for Casey at all, let her go. It’s better you hurt her now, rather than later. Trust me, I know. I could have loved you if you had let me,” Michelle says, and she walks away, following Casey’s steps.


“Jesus. Are you idiots still going through puberty? Who the hell makes bets like that these days?” White questions, disgustedly. I can’t even argue with him.

Until Casey came into my life, I was coasting along. Life was fun and games, with easy pussy. My perception was fucked up. I freely admit that. Despite Michelle’s shit-fit, I never fooled around with women who didn’t know the score. I would have never touched her if I hadn’t been drunk off my ass. Christ, as stupid as it sounds, if I could go back in time I would have held onto Casey that night on the old football bleachers and she would have been the only woman in my life from that point on.

“Shut up, White.” Aden growls in the background. “It wasn’t as bad as it sounds,” he tries and defend. It wasn’t, not really, but it was stupid. I should have never bet anything that had to do with a woman. Especially, if that woman is Casey. It was stupid. It was childish. It was fucking foolish and it might cause me to lose the only thing in my life that matters.

“I have to find Casey,” I announce, my voice hoarse and shit…even I can hear the fear in it.

“I don’t think she wants to talk to you right now, man. You drove her right? And she has work to do today. I’d let it go for a little bit and then approach her,” Aden answers.

“And this is why your ass is still single and messing around with bitches who would cut a man’s dick off if it meant they would get ahead,” White says. “Take it from me, Gav’. If you find a good woman, do not dick around. I did and almost lost Kayla. It was the stupidest thing I ever did in my life. I wasted years I could have had with her. Go find her now and set it right before the pain she’s feeling has time to set in and fester.”

“Fester? Christ you’ve been spending too much time around that mother of yours.”

“Hey she’s a smart woman and she’d tell Gavin to quit being a pussy and go grab the bull by the horns,” White responds.

“She’d say shit a lot more colorful than that,” Aden says, and he’s not wrong. The few times I’ve met Ida Sue are moments that will forever be in my brain. I ignore my friends however, and walk in the direction Casey ran. White is definitely right. I have to fix this.

I pray Casey lets me.