“What are you playing at, wife?” Titan asks, his voice skeptical.

“Well, I’m pregnant and sometimes we have weird… cravings,” I hedge, trying to remain looking innocent as he watches me closely.

“You want pickles and ice cream?” he asks.

“Ew, no.”

“Thank God.”

“But I do want something…”

“What is it? If I can get it for you, I will.”

“See, you are so sweet.”

“That’s me. My wife owns my balls, so what do you want?”

“You to take me into the playhouse,” I grin.

“Um… fuck no.”

“But you have to, Titan.”

“Hell no, I don’t. Did you not hear me when I told you that’s the third couple today that’s gone in there?”

“Well, yeah, but…”

“My dick will not be going where three other dicks have been in one damn day,” he mumbles and I can see this is going to be a hard sale.

“Good to know,” I answer, trying to hold back a laugh.

“You want fucked, I’ll take you home and fuck you.”

“So romantic,” I mutter.

“You want romance, then I’ll turn music on while I fuck you.”

“I think you’re missing the point. It’s a family tradition.”

“Say what?”

“Playing house in the playhouse as it were. It’s a family tradition,” I explain patiently.

“You’re shitting me,” he says, clearly not convinced.

“Nope, and every married couple here has had a taste of their honeymoon in that old playhouse. They’re all still happily married years later, too.”


“With lots of kids.”


“I want to be married to you forever, Titan.”

“Damn it, Faith,” he groans.

“And it should be said that I definitely want more kids.”


“And it should also be noted that your dick won’t be going in the playhouse as it were. It will be going in me.”

Titan doesn’t answer, but he picks me up and starts stomping toward the playhouse, so I’m thinking that’s answer enough.

epilogue one


I look down at my sleeping bride. We aren’t doing a honeymoon, though we both plan on it. It’s just we both started new jobs and there was no way to get the time off right now. Still, we’re married and she has my last name, and that makes today perfect—even with her damn ex showing up. I turn and go through the house, making sure the doors are locked and then start turning out the lights. I stop in the small room off of the master that Faith has been decorating for the nursery. She chose a yellow, which seems to be her favorite color and works since it’s not a color for just a girl or a boy. It’s bare right now, the walls painted a creamy pale yellow and the carpet a neutral soft mushroom. We’re going next week to pick out furniture for the room and Faith mentioned decorating it in flowers. I’m fine with the idea, but there will be no daughters named after flowers, or boys named after colors like her aunt did. She’s promised that the whole Zeus thing was off the table too. Which is good. My child needs a normal name, one that says she’ll be calm and not run her father around in circles, making him dizzy.

I walk back into our bedroom, pulling off my pajama bottoms. I don’t wear pajamas, but Faith bought these. She told me she didn’t want me swinging my dick around the house and Ida Sue showing up unexpectedly. I started to argue until she pointed out if her aunt got one look at what I was packing she would never leave me alone.

“Faith, you’re being—”

“I’m a woman, Titan and trust me when I tell you, Big Daddy. If any woman sees what you’re packing, she’s going to start following you around like a little lost puppy dog.”

I wanted to argue, but when a woman has that much pride in your dick the wise move is to let it go. So I wear the pajamas around the house, but never to bed. I never let Faith wear shit to bed either. I want her naked. I want her naked against me and when I want to touch her, I sure as hell don’t want clothes between us. Luckily, Faith agrees completely with this rule.

As I slide into bed beside her, she burrows into me and I take a deep, satisfied breath. Our relationship may have started off in all the wrong ways. She may have pulled me from my normal, calm life and forced me to chase her down, but I don’t mind. Faith is the best thing that ever happened to me. She’s everything and I’d do it all again, relive every crazy moment and the only thing I would have changed is that I would have chased her harder and faster.

“Titan,” she murmurs in her sleep, snuggling into me, and I smile as I pull her in closer.

My eyes close and I drift to sleep thinking I am a man who has a miracle in his arms. Later I dream of a small little girl with beautiful blue eyes the color of the ocean, skin a golden brown, and the perfect mixture of me and her mother. I dream of that beautiful face, knowing God has given me a glimpse of my future and I do it smiling. Maybe calm is overrated. Chaos might be good.