* * *

Eris Sue Marsh was born seven months later at 2:00 a.m. in the morning. She arrived in the middle of a torrential rain that sparked tornados and flooding. Inside the hospital all was quiet, though, and her parents had to admit they had a piece of perfection even in the chaos.

epilogue two


Two Years Later

“You’re home early, Big Daddy,” I quip when Titan comes through the front door, looking like a thundercloud.

“That’s what happens when Ida Sue calls me giving me the riot act because apparently you passed out at Addie’s restaurant today and had Meadow take you to the doctor,” he snaps, slamming the door.

I wince at the sound and curse under my breath. I’m going to kill Ida Sue.

“Titan, honey—”

“Don’t honey me, Faith. Why the fuck didn’t you call me?”

“There wasn’t a reason—”

“You passed out. Do I give you my dick every night, woman?”

“Will you keep your voice down? Eris is already saying words she shouldn’t. The last thing I need for her is to start saying dick every time I turn around. You have to start watching it, Big Daddy. You know I love it when you get all growly and testosterone-overloaded but little Kali will start understanding you soon and we both know that little girl is going to give us hell.”

“Answer the fucking question,” he snaps, letting me know he’s not in the mood to be placated. “Who is the man in your bed feeding you dick every night?”

“You are.”

“Exactly. I am. I’m the only dick you are getting, period. Fuck, if I die you’re going to have that crazy aunt of yours find some voodoo princess to bring me back for a couple hours every night just to give you dick—because no one is doing that but me from here out, Faith. I own that magical pussy you have and I’m not giving it up.”

“I uh… okay?”

“Okay,” he huffs. “So tell me why I had to find out my woman passed out today through someone else? I should have been the first fucking person called.”

“Because you would have worried,” I mutter. “I didn’t want you to. That’s why I asked everyone not to call you.”

“Motherfucker, Faith,” he rumbles and I see the worry etched all over his face.

I stand up slowly—because truth be known, I’m still a little dizzy. I go over to him and I touch the side of his face. That instantly brings his stress level down a few notches. I knew it would. My man can be tightly wound when it involves me or one of the girls.

“It’s okay, Big Daddy,” I say softly, planting a small kiss against his chest, wishing his shirt wasn’t in the way. “The doctor gave me a thorough look and we know what my problem is. It’s perfectly normal. I’m fine.”

“Passing out is not normal, Faith,” he argues, his large, beautiful hand coming up to tangle into my hair as he holds my neck. He bends down to rest his forehead against mine and I close my eyes at the tenderness he continually shows me. He’s such an alpha-male. He’s bigger than life and most of the time comes off like a bull in a china shop. Yet, he doesn’t shy away from showing me I matter and how important I am to him—and the same goes for our girls. I can’t imagine my life without him. I know how blessed I am to have him and I’m thankful every day.

Every. Single. Day.

“It is when you’re pregnant, Titan,” I say softly, my hand pressed against his neck, my fingers massaging his pulse that is beating strong and true.

He pulls back slowly. “You’re pregnant?” he asks, sounding shocked. I don’t know why he should be. We go at each other like rabbits that are caged up and fed Ecstasy every hour.

“Big Daddy strikes again,” I murmur.

I mean, I’m not upset that I’m pregnant again, but it wasn’t something we discussed either. Eris and Kali wear me out, but I truly love every second of it.

“Damn,” he says, his full lips spreading into a smile.

And there it is. He loves me being pregnant. I shake my head.

“I know we talked about having a house full of kids, but we may have to talk about wrapping it up after this one, sweetheart.”

“We’ll talk about it. I’m praying this one is a boy. Some more testosterone in a house overfilled with pink and polka dots would be nice,” he laughs.

“Don’t look at me. I think your swimmers are supposed to be the deciding factor, sweetheart. They seem intent on making sure you’re surrounded by women.”

“It’s a hard job but somebody’s got to do it,” he jokes, bending down to kiss me.

I take his kiss, leaning into him and letting him have my weight. I groan in pleasure as his arms wrap around me and keep me close.