“We’ll give them all of that,” he mumbles before sealing that promise in a kiss. When we break apart he moves me back into his body and I hold him close again. “We’ll give them all of that, even if I have a bruised ass from your loco-aunt pinching it all day.”

I giggle again, because I can picture that in my head.

“I’ll have a word with her,” I promise.

“It won’t do any good,” he counters and he’s right.

“You’re right,” I confirm out loud.

“Now can we get some sleep so my dick can recover and I can get lost inside of you again?”

“Well… uh…”


“You mentioned giving me your mouth?” I question greedily.

His body goes stiff under me again, and I bite my lip again. Then he moves us so I’m on my back against the bed and his fingers are already seeking between my legs.

“You’re wet,” he groans.

“You’re naked in bed with me,” I answer, because that’s all it takes and most of the time it takes a lot less than that. Titan’s that lethal. I let my fingers slide through his hair, teasing my fingertips.

“Changed my mind,” he growls, shifting so he’s over me, looking down, his weight on his arms.

“What do you mean?” I ask, distracted because in this position I can drag my nails down his chest.

“Want my dick inside of you.”

“You can handle another round?” I ask. I grin, because I know he can, because I feel his cock brushing against me.

“It’s a miracle,” he growls, positioning himself at my center. “Give me your mouth, Faith,” he growls as he sinks inside of me.

I lean up and give Titan my mouth as I take him into my body.

And that’s a different kind of sweet than any I’ve had tonight. It’s heaven. As my eyes open I look up into the eyes of the man I love and my rings are shining in the darkness.

That’s when I know.

You can’t die from too much happiness, because I’m overfilled with it and my heart is beating strong.



“You sure about this, man?” Aden asks and I look over at him and Gavin and I do it with a smile firmly in place.

“Never more fucking sure in my life,” I tell them and that’s when they nod in approval and slap me on the back. The three of us turn to face the crowd as the music starts.

We’re in the backyard of Ida Sue’s house. There’s flowers and roll of white satin on the ground. Two rows of chairs surround the white satin aisle and they’re filled to capacity—all with Faith’s family. Other than Gavin and Aden, I had no one I wanted to invite. They are the important people in my life. That’s all I need here—well and them and Faith.

I watch as two little boys walk up the aisle carrying a sign. The signs are wooden and painted brown, with calligraphy writing on them. One is Hope and Aden’s boy, Jack, and the other is Luka and Petal’s little boy River. The sign they are packing says: “Happily Ever After Coming Soon.” Behind them there is another boy, older, though not that old, and he is clearly a Lucas, though I have no idea whose. He keeps looking over at Green as if to say I don’t want to be here—so I’d say his if I was to venture a guess. His sign proclaims, “Last Chance To Run” in the same writing. I shake my head, figuring Ida Sue had something to do with this. The crowd laughs quietly, but loud enough you can hear it over the music playing in the background over outdoor speakers.

Next comes Petal, wearing an off-white dress with a bright yellow silk bow at the waist. The bow is in the back, but clearly visible at her hips. She looks beautiful, despite looking like she is about to pop. She comes down the aisle, smiling over at her husband Luka. He winks at her and she stops for a minute and looks at him.

“Quit going all moon-eyed over Orange. You’ve been married forever. Can’t you tell my Chocolate Thunder wants his bride!” Ida Sue chastises. I hold my head down, pinching the bridge of my nose while everyone around us laughs—loudly.

“Looks like I need to show you who you belong to again, Lovey,” Jansen grumbles, and I look up to see the man shoot me a look meant to kill. I shake my head.

“I cleaned the playhouse earlier this morning,” she says, patting his leg, and I don’t think I want to know what that means.

Faith’s family is whacked.

Next comes Casey. She is dressed in the same kind of off-white dress, bright yellow silk bow at the waist. They met during the last two weeks—because that was how long it took Faith to get this wedding together. She wanted months—as in after the baby was born. I refused. I wanted my ring legally on her finger and my name legally recorded. This was something I wouldn’t budge on. She respected it and called in Hope for reinforcements. Her sister Charity wasn’t reachable, which bummed Faith out, but she didn’t ask me to postpone the wedding again and I was thankful—because for that I would have.