“Hope says we need to have a hooker pirate wedding.”

I don’t say anything. Honestly, I think it takes a bit for my mind to understand what she said and even when I do, I’m not sure I know what it means. It doesn’t matter, though, because in the next minute, Faith’s lips are on mine, my tongue is in her mouth and her hips are grinding down on me. That’s my cue so I make love to my soon to be wife and I do it not giving a fuck about the unlit candles.



“Titan? Are you awake?” I ask. I keep my voice quiet, just in case he is sleeping.

The room is dark. Sometime between the second time we made love, enjoyed a warmed-up dinner and lit the candles in the bedroom, before going another round, which included Titan using his mouth on me, and then taking me from behind, after which I used my mouth on him—the candles had long since burned out. Marathon lovemaking was something I had never experienced, didn’t know was possible, but definitely want to repeat again.

The room is pretty dark now, except for the light of the moon shining through the double windows. I’m wrapped in Titan’s arms, my head on his chest and my ear pressed down so I can hear the steady beat of his heart.

My body is relaxed, sated, and sore in all the right spots. When Titan doesn’t answer right away I figure he must be asleep and I squeeze him a little tighter and burrow deeper into his body heat.

“I’m awake,” he whispers, and I feel him kiss the top of my head, which makes me smile. “You wore me out, so I’m spent. So, if you want my dick, you’re out of luck. With a little encouragement, I might can give you my mouth again, but you better hurry because I’m wiped,” he mumbles, making me grin.

“Your dick is safe.”

“Thank God for that.”

“At least for now,” I giggle when he groans. He gives me a squeeze and it’s sweet and I close my eyes as that sweetness hits me.

“What’s on your mind, wife?” he asks and the sweetness in that word is even better.

Spectacular even.

“I don’t want a pirate wedding,” I tell him, having told him Hope’s idea over dinner.

“Anything you want, you get.”

“You don’t care?”

“As long as it ends up with your last name Marsh, you waking up in my bed and not running halfway across the world, I’m good.”

“Good to know.” I grin, biting down on my lip. Titan’s hand is brushing on my thigh and it feels divine.

“That all before I pass out because my woman just wore my dick out?”

Again another giggle surges up. I sure hope you can’t die from happiness because if you can—I might be in trouble.

“I know what kind of wedding I want.”

“Anything you want, Faith, because this will be your last one.”

That was a different kind of sweet, but I like it more.

“Since this will be the only wedding you get too, don’t you want a say in it? What about your family?”

“Not close with any of them.”

“Not close with any of them?” I ask, not liking that for him. I didn’t have much family I could count on, but I was thankful for the ones that I did have.

“Money changes things and for a time I had plenty of it. I paid that forward. My fam needed something, I gave. I felt the urge to be gifty, I gave more. Soon, my giving and their needs became more about their wants, and less about being family. Less about gratitude. When the money began to slow, their presence in my life did too.”

“That’s kind of sad.”

“It is. It’s also life. So you plan your wedding and make it about what you want. I don’t care as long as in the end you’re with me.”

“I want to give you a wedding you like, Titan,” I murmur, my mind working in a million directions.

“You are.”

“How do you know that?”

“I get you. You’re taking my name and you’re giving me a baby. I’m good, Faith. I swear it to you. I’m more than good,” he says and his hand goes to my stomach, holding it, and that warms me all the way through.

“I want to get married at my aunt’s home. Surrounded by my family and whoever you want there. I want this wedding to be one we have pictures of, show our children and have them know they belong, that they have love.”

Titan goes still and I twist so I can look up at him. He’s staring down at me and his face is shaded in the darkness, so I can’t see what’s going on. I start to ask, but a second later his hand comes up to slide under my hair and gently hold me on the side of my neck. His thumb brushes the corner of my lip and he ever so slowly brings our lips together.