I jump in the shower and ignore the memories of Faith in the shower with me. They immediately spring to mind, but eventually they will fade. I forcefully push them away and shower the smell of the blond demon off of my body.

I thought the two of us turned a corner last night. I don’t know what corner it was, but I know I’m pissed that she’s run away yet again. Who the fuck does that kind of shit? Hell, as mad as I am right now—and that’s fuming—I can still hear her sweetly whispered words.

I missed you.

I turn the water off, ignoring the fine tremor that runs through my hand.

God, I’ve missed you, Titan.

With every word I remember, every breathy sound of her voice—I get more pissed.

I stomp out into the other room, drying off, and thinking of all the ways I’ll punish Faith when I catch up to her. If some of those ways include bending her over the bed and slapping her ass, while slamming balls deep inside of her—well, I ignore those too.

I have my clothes back on and that’s when I see them. On the table by the window. I walk slowly, suddenly not in a hurry to see them but knowing I have to. The annulment papers have Faith’s signature in big cursive letters and a heart dotting the letter “I”. For some reason that makes me smile, when it’s the last thing I feel like doing. Beside it I see she’s scribbled a note on the back of the envelope I’ve been keeping the papers in.

I grab it and it’s fucking twisted, but I grab it like a man finding water when he’s dying for thirst. I don’t know how I got so twisted up over a woman so quickly—but damn it… I am.

Big Daddy,

I’ve been a bitch with a capital B, and that’s not been fair to you. It’s not your fault that I’m a moron and feel like that by the time I’m twenty-six I should be more put together than a wedding that didn’t even last twenty-four hours. I don’t know why signing these make me feel like a bigger failure at this thing called life, but hey that’s not exactly your problem. You have plans and they might be fucked up plans, but still that’s more than I have, so I decided to cut you some slack. Happy annulment, hubby. May you get back to enjoying single life soon. Please don’t worry about me being pregnant. I’ve already had my visit from Aunt Flo since Vegas and honestly, I’m on birth control.

I’m going to be hanging out at my Aunt Ida Sue’s for a bit. If you could send the final annulment papers there, I’d appreciate it.

Stay cool, Titan.

Your annoying soon to be ex-wife.


I read the note and frown. I turn it over and Ida Sue’s address is scribbled on it. Faith is saying goodbye. She’s saying goodbye and giving me what I need to move on. I should be happy.

I wish I knew why I’m not…



“Well, if it ain’t mopey drawers,” Ida Sue complains, taking the rocking chair beside me. I could pretend she’s not talking to me, but there’s no point. I look over at my aunt, taking her in. She has soft brown hair that falls around her head in a long bob cut. It used to be shorter, but over the past year she’s let it grow out. She’s got sparkling green eyes and despite her age she could pass for forty—which she is not. God, I hope I inherited my father’s genes and age that well.

“Well, if it ain’t Sponge Bob Smart Ass Pants,” I grumble, turning my gaze out to the yard. I don’t want to see Ida Sue’s you-know-better face. I’d rather stare as Hamburger chases his tail. I’ve never seen a cow chase its tail before and it’s kind of interesting—especially when the damn thing gets dizzy.

“That don’t make a lick of sense. Then again, most of the crap you’ve been doing doesn’t.”

I close my eyes. Aunt Ida Sue is starting to sound like my sister Hope and I really can’t handle that.

“Can we not start the day off with another lecture?” I ask her, knowing it will definitely end up in another lecture.

“Maybe we could if you’d quit using the brains from your mother’s side of the family to work with.”

“My mother didn’t have any brains,” I mutter.

“My point exactly. There’s Lucas blood in there somewhere. You best start using it before you ruin your life.”

“You’re sounding just like my sister. So I got drunk and married a stranger in Vegas. I signed the annulment papers. I’m no longer Titan Marsh’s wife. Mistake fixed and erased from the history books. No life-ruining shit can spread further,” I tell her, my eyes closed as the wave of pain hits. It doesn’t make sense, but I liked being married to Titan.