

I look at my signature on the annulment papers and I hate it. I hate everything about it, but I know it’s what I need to do. I drop the pen on top of the paper and close my eyes, because this is final and it’s painful. It doesn’t make sense that it hurts so much—but it does.

I stand and walk back to the foot of the bed and look at Titan sleeping. I thought before he just slept hard because of all of the alcohol in his system. I was wrong. Titan sleeps like the fucking dead, and somehow it’s cute. It hurts to move, but it’s a delicious ache. Titan used my body so many times and in so many ways last night, I know I’ll be sore for days—and I like it.

I don’t want to leave—not really, but I decided last night that I need to let go and finally get my life in order. I don’t have much money saved up, just what’s left from the money I made in Buck-Stop. That’s going quick, because my Jeep isn’t exactly great on gas. That means I need to make some important decisions quick. The main one is where I’m going next.

There’s a few choices, but with money being like it is, the best choice is Texas. Aunt Ida Sue invited me out when I talked to her on the phone yesterday. I think she was secretly hoping Titan would follow me there. With me signing the annulment papers, that’s not going to happen. Titan gets what he wants and I got…

Laid. I got laid.

Might as well call a spade a spade.

He is going to wonder about me being pregnant, though, which is why I left him a note beside the signed papers. He needs to know he’s in the clear. I gave him my Aunt Ida Sue’s address and asked him to mail the papers there too, once they’re filed. He’s completely free to marry again. I ignore the pain that causes. I don’t want to think about Titan marrying anyone. With a sigh, I grab my bag, sunglasses and keys. Then I close the door as gently and as quietly as I can. I thought about waking Titan up, but we said all there was to say between us last night.

The morning sun is already bright and the heat is bearing down as I walk across the parking lot. If I hurry, I can hit Texas by the end of the day—well, if my penny cooperates. I swear there were times yesterday I just went in circles. I’m going to have to change the damn thing if today starts like that. Maybe I should flip a dime this time, kind of change it up and hopefully change my luck.

I hop in my Jeep and start the ignition. I look at the main road and back to the hotel. I stare at the door of the room, trying to will it open.

Nothing happens.

I didn’t really expect it to, but a girl can hope.

I pull to the edge of the hotel entrance and stare at the highway. I grab the penny and throw it up. I watch as it flips in mid-air and then lands on the passenger seat with a soft thud.


Was that left or right? For the life of me, I can’t remember. Today it’s right. I reach over and turn on the radio. It’s time; time to leave Titan behind me. So I do.

I leave him in a cloud of dust behind my old Jeep and ZZ Top singing about the tube snake boogie. I also do it with more than a little sadness.

But I ignore that.



Son of a bitch.

I should be used to waking up alone after sex with Faith. I don’t know why I thought it would be any different, but for some stupid-ass reason I thought it would be. The room is completely empty, though; Faith’s clothes are gone. I grab my slacks, pulling them on but not bothering to button them. They lie low on my hips, but mostly they hide my cock, which is all that’s important. When I open the motel’s door it doesn’t surprise me that Faith’s Jeep is gone.

I step back and slam the door so hard the walls of the room shake. I feel like ripping the door off the damn hinges, but I don’t.

What is it with this girl and running away from me?

I move back into the room, preparing myself to chase after her yet again. This time I won’t take any bullshit excuses. This time she’ll sign the annulment papers and once that’s done I won’t have to see her again. Which is fine, more than fine. Sex last night was good, and yeah, maybe it was the best I’ve ever had. Still, there’s not a woman alive worth this bullshit and I have plans—dreams to start making a reality.