She came to a brief stop and shook her head. “Sorry, my lady.”

Mr. Massey entered through the rear doors, a wooden chair hanging from each hand. Cassie hastened over. “Have you seen my father?”

The footman shrugged and set the chairs down for a moment. “Have you tried the library, my lady?”

“Yes, he’s not there.”

Cassie puffed out a breath, ruffling the curls Louisa had carefully tonged into place. Where could he be? She had not seen him at the morning meal and although that was not unusual, she prayed he had not forgotten what today was.

“He’ll be around, my lady,” Mr. Massey assured her. “There’s so many people here, he’s likely lost in the crowds.”

She eyed the steady stream of people moving in and out of the ballroom. Her stomach gave a little dip, and she could not help the smile from spreading across her face. The engagement had already been announced in the newspapers and the congratulations did not cease to arrive by post, but their engagement ball made it oh so official. Who would have guessed the thought of marriage could make her so giddy? A few months ago it would have filled her with dread.

Of course, a few months ago, she had not been in love with Luke.

She pressed a hand to her fluttering stomach and gave Mr. Massey an apologetic look as he grabbed the chairs and shuffled on his feet. “I won’t keep you.”

Perhaps her father had gone to his room to dress and she had simply missed him when she’d gone into the gardens. There was no chance he could have missed all the chaos.

“Cassie, you look flustered!” Demeter took her arm. Today she had a single red rose tucked into her chignon.

Cassie smiled. She at least knew what that one meant. “I’m looking for Papa.” She grimaced. “I’m worried he has forgotten all about the engagement ball.”

“Oh I-I am certain I saw him earlier.” Demeter stepped back when several men carrying grand vases of vast flower arrangements moved between them. “Perhaps try the music room?” Demeter said over the flowers. “It is the quietest room in the house at present.”

Cassie nodded and squeezed her way past the flower arrangements crowding the front hall then moved from one room to the next until she reached the music room. Chastity and Eleanor glanced up when they spotted her.

“You look so beautiful!” Chastity rose from her seat at the piano and came over to clasp her hands. “Are you excited?”

Cassie bit down on her bottom lip. “I am.”

“What is the matter?” Eleanor asked, setting her notepad down on the arm of the sofa and joining her and Chastity.

“I’m worried Papa has forgotten today.” She looked to her satin slippers. “And whether you shall let me continue with mother’s investigative society once I am married,” she admitted quietly.

Chastity laughed. “You forget Mother wanted you married before you joined. She would have been relieved indeed.”

“It shall be a boon to have a married lady amongst us,” Eleanor agreed.

She glanced between her two sisters. “And you are happy for me, are you not?”

Chastity and Eleanor shared a look and Chastity grinned. “He is an excellent man. He was willing to go to the ends of the earth for you.” Her sister lifted a shoulder. “I am not always the best judge of character I fear—you can thank my late husband for that—but Luke loves you more than anything. I have no doubt he shall treat you properly.”

Eleanor nodded. “I have analyzed his behavior most carefully and it seems he has put his rakish past behind him.”

She let her posture slump a little and gave a grateful smile. “Now all I need is for Anton to be happy for me.”

“Do not forget he is arranging this ball for you,” Eleanor pointed out.

“Reluctantly,” Cassie reminded her.

“He shall come around. You’ll see,” Chastity assured her. “Do you want us to help search for Papa? I saw him upstairs earlier today. Perhaps he is there.”

Cassie waved a hand. “No, I’ll find him.”

She hastened back toward the entrance hall, her attention fixed on the grand staircase. She would go upstairs, and if he was not there, she would—

“Watch out!”