The warning came too late. She barreled into a young man carrying the largest floral display she had ever seen. She skidded to a halt but she ended up with a face full of flowers. As the man tried to correct his course, she put her hands to the vase to right herself and tugged it downwards. Soil spilled from the brim, dropping down the front of her gown in a cold, gritty waterfall. She squeaked in dismay and stumbled back a few steps.

The man’s mortified expression matched his now ashen skin. He looked her up and down. “Oh, my lady, please forgive me. Oh boy....”

“It was my fault.” She peered down at her gown and shook her head.

Soil marred her beautiful gown, from almost head to toe. Her bare arms were filthy too. She would need another washanda change of dress.

“Please do not let me keep you,” she said to the man who appeared frozen in position. He hurried off and she swiped a hand down her gown but to no avail. Her carefully chosen evening gown was ruined.

“Why is it you are always dirty when I see you, Cass?”

She spun on her heel and could not keep her lips from curving. “Maybe I am cursed.”

Luke peered around and leaned in to give her a chaste kiss on the lips. “Cursed or not, you look beautiful.”

“I look a mess.” She plucked at her skirts. “I shall have to bathe and find another dress to wear.”

Luke eyed the grandfather clock. “You have a few hours.”

“I’m still trying to find my father. He seems to have vanished.”

“Oh I saw him in the lamp room only moments ago.” Aunt Sarah stopped at her side, wrinkled her nose and looked Cassie over. “He said it was the best place to study with all the preparations.” She lifted Simon who blinked lazily at Cassie. “Simon says you look wonderful but perhaps you might want a cleaner gown.”

“So Papa remembers what today is?”

“Of course! He doesn’t understand the need for the fuss, but he is most happy for you.” She moved over to Luke and offered Simon up.

Luke obligingly gave the cat a pet.

“We always knew you two would wind up together. Simon has a sense for these things, you know.” Aunt Sarah grinned. “What an attractive couple you two make. I cannot wait to see your passion grow and grow.”

“Uh, thank you, Aunt Sarah,” Luke said but she had already wandered out of the front door, the cat still clutched tightly.

Cassie shrugged. “I’m not certain how, but Aunt Sarah never seems to be wrong.”

“Perhaps that is where you got your observational skills from.”


The hallway remained blessedly empty for the moment so Cassie moved over to him until only a pace or so separated them. “Today I observe that you look remarkably handsome.”

“Remarkably? Does that mean I am not usually handsome?”

“Oh you are a rogue.”

“I’m your rogue.” He closed the gap.

“If you touch me, you shall get dirty,” she warned him.

“I hope so.” His tone was so low that it made her body tingle with promise. Their wedding night could not come soon enough. Now that everyone knew about them, it had been nigh on impossible to get a moment alone.


Luke jumped back and Cassie laced her hands behind her when she spotted Anton by the stairs.

Her brother’s lips thinned into a line when he spied her filthy state. “What on earth have you done to yourself, Cassandra?”

“I shall change.”