Anton’s lips thinned. “I still do not approve of this investigation business. I had no idea our mother was involved in such things.”

“Normally it is harmless,” Cassie pointed out.

“There was nothing harmless about having broken windows and attacked servants,” her brother muttered.

Luke straightened. “I would not have let any harm come to any of them.”

“If I thought it would do any good, I would forbid you all from such matters, but I know I have no hope of controlling my sisters.” Anton sighed.

“Not that you want to, dear,” Eliza pressed. “They are all clever, independent women, who are quite capable of finding their way in the world.”

Cassie gave Eliza a grateful smile.

Anton’s sour mood had not made the journey to Oxford any easier. Luke almost wished he’d remained in London, but he would not leave Cassie alone. Besides, he was damned curious to see if she was right and Theodore had been in hiding with an old professor all this time.

The carriage stopped outside a long row of tall houses, all white and uniform with black railings covering the stairs down to the servants’ entrance. Cassie peered out of the window. “This is number thirty-three. It must be a little farther along.”

Anton stepped out first, offered Cassie a hand and glared at Luke as she and Eliza exited. Luke donned his hat, ignored the look from his friend and watched Aunt Sarah climb out of her own carriage, cat carrier in hand. The rest of the sisters gathered around Cassie.

What Theodore would make of this crowd Luke did not know, but he had no desire to argue against Cassie’s family accompanying them. Cassie’s determination to keep nothing from her sisters in future was admirable and he vowed he would do the same with Cassie. Laying himself bare to her had lifted such a weight from his shoulders.

Cassie led the way, glancing between the numbers on the doors and the slip of paper in her hand. She came to a stop at the bottom of some stone steps and everyone nearly piled into her.

“This is the one!”

“Shall I...?” offered Anton.

Luke chuckled to himself. Poor Anton was only just realizing quite how headstrong his sisters really were.

Cassie shook her head. “I shall.” She pulled the doorbell and they all waited.

Luke swore no one took a single breath until the door opened and an elderly man appeared. The group gave a collective exhale while the man peered at them all from under unruly eyebrows. His eyes shone bright underneath them and his teeth were neat rows of yellow surrounded by a slightly tobacco-stained beard.

“Professor Underwood?” He recalled the man now. Vaguely. Luke could only blame his lack of sobriety for not remembering his name.

The man peered between Luke and Anton. “What have I possible done to receive two of my former students at once? And with, well, their family, I assume?” He peered at the women. “Lots of females,” he muttered.

“We have come to see Theodore,” Cassie announced.

The professor jerked straight. “Who?”

“Professor,” Luke implored, coming to join Cassie at the top step. “We need to see him.”

“I do not know what you are talking about. It is just me.” He leaned forward. “Are you in danger?” he whispered.

“There is no danger,” Luke assured him. “The men chasing Theodore are in jail.”

“Oh.” Professor Underwood straightened, his gaze narrow. “I still do not know—”

Cassie slipped past the man and Luke hastened after. She strode into the right-hand room then pivoted and headed into the next. Luke came to a halt just behind her.

Theodore lifted his head from behind the newspaper. “Whitehurst?” He scowled and lowered the paper. “What the devil are you doing here?”

Luke shook his head slowly. To think he’d been here all along, reading newspapers and sipping tea while he’d been getting his arm broken and Cassie suffered a knife to the neck. However, to give Theodore his due, his eyes were shadowed, and he appeared a little gaunt.

“You are safe,” Cassie blurted as the rest of the women filed into the room, followed by the professor who tried to step in front of them and ease them away.

Aunt Sarah took his arm and whatever she murmured to him urged him to take a step back.