Theodore rose from his seat. He eyed them all, his mouth ajar then finally looked to Luke and Anton. “What is going on?”

Anton sighed and gestured to Cassie. “My sister had better explain.”

“I suppose you should all sit.” Theodore gestured around the modest room.

The sisters and Aunt Sarah crowded onto a sofa whilst Luke and Anton remained standing. Eliza joined her husband who put a protective arm about her shoulders.

Cassie seated herself in the seat opposite Theodore and he sank down, his brow creased. “Well?”

“The men who faked your death are in jail,” she explained.

“Faked my death?” His face turned ashen. “Faked my…?” His voice choked. “Dear Lord…”

“You did not know?” Anton asked.

“No of course not. I—” He eased out a breath. “I have been travelling much of this time. I sought shelter with the professor when my funds ran low.” He shook his head. “Jane… she…?”

Cassie nodded grimly. “She thought you were dead, yes.”

“Poor Jane.” He shook his head slowly. “I never intended for such a thing to occur. I certainly did not think anyone would announce me dead.” Theodore twined his hands together, his knuckles whitening. “They tried to kill me to be sure. I managed to escape and went on the run. I have barely ceased running since then and I certainly had no time to read a newspaper.” He gestured to the one on the side table. “I imagine my death is old news now, is it not?”

“Why did you not reach out?” Anton demanded. “We all thought you were dead. Hell, we buried you.”

“Good God.” His face paled. “They had been threatening me for some time.” He pushed a hand through chestnut brown hair, leaving it spiky. “I made the mistake of becoming involved with them in my wilder days, and they hoped to manipulate my position as a Member of Parliament. When I did not give in, they threatened Jane. Then one night, they attacked me.” He glanced at Luke’s arm. “Do not tell me you got involved with them. They are darned dangerous men.”

Luke gave a dry smile. “Involved might be a bit of an understatement.”

“So you ran?” Cassie pressed.

“Indeed. I dared not send a letter or they might track me. I had little idea what to do but I figured so long as I could not be manipulated, they would leave Jane alone, especially if they were too busy hunting me.”

“They nearly caught up with you,” Luke said. “They had this very address. It is how we found you.”

“I am not surprised. They are well-connected men. It was only a matter of time.” He dropped his head in his hands. “I created this. It has all been my fault.” He finally peered up at them all. “But why are you all here and how did you become involved with them?”

Cassie lifted her shoulders. “Jane was determined you were not dead.” She smiled softly. “And now you may return to her.”

Theodore eyed her for a few moments, his gaze narrowing. “They are captured.”

“Indeed.” Her smile widened. “They are already charged with kidnap and fraud.”

Theodore’s pained expression softened. “Truly?”

Luke nodded. “They can do no more harm. They will likely hang for their crimes. All we need is for you to return to Jane and take up your position once more.”

“I…” Theodore’s throat worked. “I must thank you.”

Anton cleared his throat. “Cassie must take the credit. She found the men and she found you.”

“Well, it seems I owe you a great deal, Lady Cassandra.” He rose from the chair and offered out a hand.

She blinked at the hand for several moments then rose and took it, giving it a hearty, if awkward, shake. Then she beamed at Luke.

He’d never loved her more.


“Have you seen Papa?” Cassie asked her lady’s maid as Louisa breezed past in the hallway between the library and the ballroom, several delicate vases clasped in her arms.