“Oh nonsense. I have no interest in the man. He has odd taste in accessories.”

“Well, just remember that when he flirts with you.” He moved closer and kept his voice low. “And remember my offer, Cass. Do not let anyone else touch you.” He smirked. “For if they do, I shall surely have to challenge them, and we do not wish that do we?”

He said it more lightly than he felt. Indeed, if any man touched her, he’d enjoy taking their life from them.

Chapter Nineteen

Aunt Sarah stopped in front of Cassie and cast her gaze up and down her. Cassie narrowed her gaze at her aunt. “What is it, Aunt Sarah?”

“You should be dancing,” she declared. “You have only stood up three times this evening.”

Cassie glanced past the dancers crowding the center of the floor then at her dance card. “Perhaps no one wishes to dance with me.”

“Nonsense. You are the prettiest girl here.” Aunt Sarah grinned. “It reminds me of the Duke of Westwick’s ball some forty years or so ago. I was utterly resplendent, and no one could take their eyes off me.” She pressed her fan to her chest. “Of course, I only had eyes for Simon.”

“And I am sure he only had eyes for you too.”

“I can see you only have eyes for one man too.” Aunt Sarah came to her side.

“Nonsense,” Cassie replied swiftly. “I am merely desperate to speak with him. You know he is aiding me in my investigation.”

“You knew who I was talking about though.”

Cassie’s cheeks warmed and she puffed out a breath. Blast. “Aunt Sarah, please do not get the wrong idea. You know I am far too busy to think of the opposite sex.”

A lie to be sure. Because busy or not, all she had done was think of Luke and his words to her at the park. Of how he might bring pleasure or how she might do the same in return.

Now all she wanted to know was when, how...and when. If something did not happen soon, she feared she might go out of her wits. Watching him converse with others and even dance with several women was utter torture.

Ridiculously handsome in his evening wear, his presence repeatedly drew her gaze. The fact she wished to speak to him about the investigation was no lie, but she wanted to speak on other matters too.

“What you two need is a moment alone.”

Shooting her gaze to her aunt, Cassie frowned. Aunt Sarah might not be the most conventional of aunts but even she was surprised she wished Cassie to break the dearly held rules of society. “Aunt Sarah, that is not—”

“Oh, shh shh.” Her Aunt pressed a finger to Cassie’s lips.

Cassie released a mumbled protest past the firm finger.

“I shall never understand why you girls are so fearful of the opposite sex. They can be quite amusing, you know.”

“You saw how miserable Chastity was when she was married,” she pointed out.

“An unfortunate match, indeed, but if you girls could have one ounce of the happiness Simon and I had, I just know you would live life fulfilled.” Her aunt sighed. “To be married to your dearest friend is quite the experience.”

Her gaze strayed toward Luke.

“Of course, to be married to your lover is even more wonderful.”

“Aunt Sarah!”

Her aunt shrugged. The momentous number of feathers upon her head bobbed as dancers swished past them. “All this talk of busyness and independence. In my day, we did not even think on such matters. You young girls like to make it so complicated.”

“Maybe we wish to have love matches.”

“Or no matches,” Aunt Sarah muttered. “Even lovely Demeter has shown no interest in matrimony and you know she is quite admired.”

“She is admired,” Cassie agreed, “but it is hard to be interested when we see what burdens marriage puts upon our sex.” She put a hand to her aunt’s shoulder. “With you and Uncle Simon as an example, can you blame us for not wanting anything but the most passionate love match?”