Her eyes widened. “Oh.”

“There are many things men and women do outside of the act.”

“So I can touch you and you would find it pleasurable?”

“Very,” he said through clenched teeth.

Cassie inched toward him and laid a hand upon his thumping heart. “I would touch you...down there?”


She chewed briefly on her bottom lip, leaving it glossy. “When can we do it?”

Breaths rasped in his throat, desire roared through him, leaving him deaf to the world. His focus narrowed in on her and only her. He heard laughter nearby and jerked away.

Swallowing hard, he took a step back. This was utter madness.

“When we can be alone. Truly. Without risk of discovery,” he vowed.

“Will you be attending the ball at Oakden?”

He nodded.

“What about then?”

“Good God, Cassie, whatever am I going to do with you?”

She grinned. “Touch me?”

“I must be being punished,” he muttered.

“For what?”

He shook his head. “Nothing.” She knew of his rakish lifestyle but that was it and he would prefer they leave it there. He didn’t need her seeing him as more unworthy than ever of her. “Come, let us continue our walk. We have already been tucked behind these trees far too long.”

With a sigh, she acquiesced. “What shall we do about Theodore?”

“Leave it to me.”

“This is my investigation.”

“Yes, which involves going into a gaming hell and I do not think even the indomitable Cassie Fallon can set foot in there without being noticed.”

“I guess you are right.”

“I’ll simply find out what he did that night and tell you what I learned, two days hence at the ball.”

“That would work, I suppose.”

“And meanwhile, stay out of trouble.” He scowled as Bainbridge eyed Cassie far too eagerly. “And stay away from Lord Bainbridge. He’s a rogue.”

“But you are not?” she teased.

“I am many, many things, Cass. Too many things for me to list. But I would never hurt you.”

“I know.” She gave a smug smile. “Why do you think I propositioned you and not Lord Bainbridge?”

“If you proposition Lord Bainbridge, I shall be forced to call him out.”