“H-he could if he so wished,” Demeter murmured.
“He would have to go through us first.” Chastity put a hand to Cassie’s shoulder. “Do not panic or do anything rash, Little Sister. All will be well.”
Cassie tried to take comfort in her sister’s words, really she did. The addition oflittledid not help matters much, though. She felt the need to do something drastic and bold down to her very soul, making her fingers twitch. She could not sit around and wait for her future to be decided. She had to take charge.
WHEN THE DOOR to Luke’s study creaked open, he did not expect to see Cassie stride in. The quill dropped from his fingers, causing a splotch upon the letter he’d nearly finished writing, and rose abruptly, sending the chair back with such a screech it made him wince. He cursed under his breath and forced a polite smile.
A man of his age acting like a bumbling whelp merely because the last time he’d seen Cassie he’d kissed her so desperately he still felt the imprints of her fingers and tasted her on his tongue. It was hardly the first time he’d kissed a woman passionately.
But Cassie was different. He’d known that for too long.
“How is your head?” she asked.
“Whatever are you doing here?” he demanded at the same time.
She pressed her lips together, opened her mouth then closed it when he went to do the same. She gestured to him. “No, you go.”
“What are you doing here, Cassie?”
Hands laced behind her back, she pressed shut the door with a bump of her rear and affected a demure expression.
Luke went to swallow and failed, leaving him feeling more like a whelp than ever before. After yesterday’s revelation he did not anticipate seeing her so soon.
“Let me guess, you have another daring exploit and wish me to come along.” He motioned to his throat. “I am not taking you anywhere dangerous ever again, Cassie, and I mean it.” The words did not come out as firmly as he’d hoped.
“I was visiting with your mother,” she said and sidled over then slid onto the corner of his desk, leaving one foot dangling.
He scowled. “Cassie, whatever you—”
“Can I be honest with you, Luke?”
He dropped back into his chair, rubbed his temples briefly and sighed. “Of course.”
Whatever it was he had to hear, he’d hear it because he did not have it in him to send her away. Here is where she told him she had realized a match with a duke was an excellent choice for her and that she could not see him again and he would forever have to watch her from afar and recall the few kisses they had shared knowing they would never, ever be enough.
“I do not know if I must marry the duke.” She toyed with the long length of ribbon hanging from her waist and wrapped it about a finger again and again. “I hope to persuade Anton otherwise to be certain.”
“You do not wish to marry him?”
“Of course not!” She gave a light laugh. “I was not lying when I said I have no plans to marry.” She lifted a shoulder. “Perhaps one day but not now. I have far too many other things to do.”
“I would wager Anton would not force you into a match.”
“I would certainly hope not but Anton can be misguided in thinking he has to care for us all as a father rather than a brother.” Cassie gestured to him. “After all, he put you—a renowned rake—in charge of my welfare.”
“Cassie, I might be known as a rake, but I would never put you—” He paused and shoved a hand through his hair. Risking her reputation and allowing her to venture about London hardly counted as keeping her safe. “Very well, that point stands.”
She slid off the desk and came to stand in front of him, hands to hips. He tried not to think about how easy it would be to grab said hips and pull her close, inhale the scent of her and curve his hands over her rear.
He tried and failed. Instead, he curled his fingers into the wooden arms of the chair.
“My real point is this...my days of freedom could be numbered.”
“I do not think he will force you, Cass. Truly.”
“And if they are, I would far rather spend them in this...new way.”