Allowing his brow to furrow, he eyed her. “New way?”
“I like your kisses, Luke. They make me feel things. New things. Like...” She gestured downwards. “In my stomach and...lower.”
Teeth gritted, he closed his eyes. Dear God, he’d never been the most innocent of men but had his sins been so bad that he was to be tortured in this life as well as the next? When he opened his eyes, she stared at him eagerly, delicate white teeth digging into her bottom lip.
“Cassie, you have no idea what you ask of me.”
“Actually I do.” She glanced at the closed door. “You are a family friend. No one thinks anything of you visiting with me. We can be seen together in most situations and no one would be any the wiser.”
“So you want...kisses?”
“I want more of...that feeling.”
“If we are caught...”
“We shall be careful.”
“You would risk everything for kisses, Cassie?” She could not have thought this through, surely? Even if she did not match with the duke, there were plenty of handsome, eligible men who had been after her hand ever since her debut. She might even find a damned love match.
But if it was known she had kissed him—or worse—she’d be forced to marry him. That’s if Anton didn’t decide to call him out instead. He would not wish either fate on Cassie.
Oh yes, not to mention he owed Anton far better.
Luke gripped the chair so hard, the wood bit into his fingers. If this was a test, he was going to fail, of that he was certain.
“You do not know what you are asking, Cass.” The words came out gruff.
Her lips curved. “You are a rake, Luke. I hardly think I am asking much.”
The door opened and Bartlett stilled at the sight of Cassie. The butler swiftly averted his gaze as she scooted off the desk. “Forgive me, my lord, I shall return in but a moment.”
Meaning Cassie needed to leave. Immediately.
The door to the room remained open even once Bartlett ducked out.
She twined her fingers together. “Luke, I—”
“I have an appointment to which I will be late.” He rose from behind the desk, opened the door farther and gestured for her to leave.
“But—” Her argument vanished when he hardened his gaze and gestured once more.
“I’m very busy.”
With a huff, she swept out of the room. He’d been in the company of women long enough to know he had offended her. But it was necessary. He sank into his chair and leaned back. Necessary and about the most painful thing he’d ever done.
Chapter Seventeen
Cogs and little pieces of metal were spread out on the table. Cassie had little idea what any of them were or where they belonged, but Eleanor had them laid out in an extremely specific way. Cassie knew that because she made the mistake of moving one when she sat next to her sister in a bid to aid her with putting back together the mechanical calculator her sister had deconstructed at some point. She hoped accepting Eleanor’s request to aid her would give her a little time to think on Theodore’s disappearance.
And Luke too, she supposed.
Eleanor paused and sighed. Cassie, brow furrowed, ignored her, allowing herself a slight smile. Her sister was never one for subtlety. She sighed once more—so loud that Cassie suspected half the household heard it.
She twisted on her chair to eye Eleanor. “Is something the matter?”
Eleanor set the mechanical calculator on the table, bit briefly down on her bottom lip and fixed her with a potentially sympathetic look.