“So how do we find my brother?”

“I have a suspicion of where he is, but I need you to confirm it.”

“What do you have?”

“There was a list of addresses on a slip of paper found on Jameson. The man would not speak of it and the other men were in ignorance, but I believe he was actively searching for your brother.”

“What sort of addresses?”

“They were all in Oxford.”

“Where he went to college.”

Cassie nodded. “Indeed.” She tugged the crumpled paper from her reticule and handed it over. “Do you recognize any of them?”

Her friend sighed. “I was only ten when he was in Oxford—I wrote to him of course but only at the university.”

“What about this one?” Cassie leaned over and pressed her finger to an address. “I am told this is the address of a professor at Oxford.”

“Oh!” Jane near bounced the cup out of her lap and forced herself to settle. “Professor Underwood. I recall that he was a favorite of Teddy’s. They talked on philosophy and his ambitions to become a Member of Parliament for hours apparently. I remember telling him how boring I thought it must be. Do you think he could have sought shelter with him there?”

“I think it very likely but either way, we shall find him, Jane, I promise.”

“And then you can tell me all about this engagement to the viscount.” Jane grinned.

“How did you know about that? It has not even been announced in the newspaper.”

Jane gave her a look. “You know how servants talk. Nothing is kept private in London during the Season.” Her lips curved. “I am glad something good came out of this.”

“Me too,” Cassie admitted. “Me too.”


“DO YOU THINK it was really necessary to bring everyone?” Luke twisted to eye the progress of the following carriages, regretting the movement when his arm knocked briefly against Cassie and twinged. The sling did little to prevent any pain but at least the break had not left his arm buckled or mangled in any way and appeared to be healing well.

“We could hardly leave my sisters behind.” Cassie patted the back of his hand.

“And you are absolutely not being alone with my sister,” Anton practically growled, his gaze fixed upon Cassie’s hand.

“We are engaged, Brother,” Cassie reminded him.

“That means nothing. Many a rake has broken an engagement and left the lady ruined.”

Luke bit back any argument. Anton had still not forgiven him, and he did not blame him. He only hoped he proved himself with his care of Cassie once they were married.

Which could not come soon enough. Anton continued to glower at him in the shaded confines of the carriage until his wife Eliza jabbed him in the side with her closed fan and he looked out of the window.

Luke regretted their broken friendship, but he knew Anton, and knew he would come around eventually. If he understood anything about his friend, it was that he cared for others deeply, even if he did not show it in the best ways. Like trying to plan Cassie’s engagement for example. But the fact Anton had saved Luke from a miserable future when he could have dusted his hands of him surely meant he would forgive him.


Nearly losing Cassie to that bastard Jameson had made him realize he’d have to let go of his vows, and he’d certainly have to release himself from his promise not to follow in his father’s footsteps. He needed more. Hell, maybe one day he’d deserve more.

“Of course, we could have left Aunt Sarah behind and that would have saved us a vehicle,” Cassie murmured. “But apparently Simon wished to see the outcome of all of this.”

“Ifwe even find Theodore,” Anton pointed out.

“I’m certain we will.” Eliza smiled. “Cassie has investigated this thoroughly.”