"Now Soren's got him in payment for your life and I'm a monster, and all I want is to protect you and make you happy in his place. And I think I can make you happy."

"You can't."

He just stares at me, shaking his head slowly.

"What is it with you? You're more trouble than you're worth. Screwed up. You actually think this is all about you. It isn't. But, OK," he says and his voice sounds as if he's on the edge of losing control. "If you want it totally professional, so be it. Just remember this – this is war. People don't get to be happy." He just stands there. "Grow up, Eve," he says. "Grow up."

With that, he leaves the apartment, slamming the door behind him.

Chapter 7

"Fear may induce the show of submission, but love only can truly subjugate a haughty spirit."

Mary Cowden Clarke

JULIEN'S BEEN OUT OF TOWN FOR THE PAST DAY on some business and Vasily has kept a low profile so I’ve been alone most of the time. Vasily makes me meals but barely looks at me. I notice a bruise on his cheek and a butterfly suture on his lip.

“Did Julien hurt you?” I say when he hands me a plate of food at supper.

Vasily shrugs. “He was very upset. Thought Soren had taken you. Thought you were suicidal. I was wrong to have left you alone.”

I shake my head, disgusted with Julien, filled with guilt that Vasily paid for my disobedience.

When he arrives back later that night, Julien strides in the apartment looking all chipper and rubs his hands together, as if excited to be home.

"Vasily," he says, his voice almost ebullient. "I've made plans for our little outing later. Perhaps you could go downstairs and finish the arrangements. I have some work to do here."

Vasily nods.

"Keep stiff upper lip," Vasily says quietly as he passes by.

I frown, not knowing what he means. Once the door closes and we're alone, Julien takes my hand, pulling me to one of the over-stuffed couches in the small sitting area. He sits in the middle and before I can react, he pulls me face down over his lap, one arm pinning me across the upper back, the other fumbling with the zipper to my skirt.

"What are you-" I stop, gasping when I realize what he intends to do – he's going tospankme. "Don't you dare!" I try with all my might to wrestle my way free, expecting to fall into fight trance, but nothing happens. He's disarmed me before I can respond. "Don't you touch me!"

"Oh, I'm going to do more than touch you, Eve," he says, yanking my skirt down below my knees, my panties following. "I'm going to spank your bottom just like I said. You disobeyed my orders and you have to be punished. But don't worry - it's going to please me far more than it hurts you."

"I could kill you," I say. "I will kill you if you hit me."

"Spare me the false threats. You can't beat me any longer," he says. "I'm going to spank you like a good Master should when his slave disobeys. And you're just going to take it."

"I'm not your slave!" I try to fight, but he's already grabbed hold of my body using his powers, making me unable to resist except for a paltry struggle.

"Oh, I like it when you wiggle like that," he says, his voice all lusty. "It'll make this even more enjoyable for me." He holds me down and whispers in my ear. "But the more you fight, the angrier I get. The angrier I get, the harder I'll spank."

"You're too strong," I say, my heart racing. "You'll hurt me."

"I can feel what you feel, in case you forgot. I'll know when to stop."

"My pain will block you from knowing when to stop," I say.

He's still for a moment, and I stop struggling, thinking that he's realized that my pain block nullifies any advantage he has through touch telepathy. My buttocks are now completely bare, and he's stroking his hand over them softly.

"I'll just have to take that chance," he says, but even now, I feel his reluctance when he touches me, as if he's worried that what I say is right. "You need this. You want this, even if you don't admit it to yourself. So, give me a safe word, Eve, just in case I can't read you."

"No," I say. "I'm not playing along."

He doesn't hit me just yet. Instead he strokes his hand over me, cupping my cheeks.