"All right then, I'll give you one. Red. If you need me to stop, say red."

I don't reply.

"You know, Eve, I'm not really into this whole pain/pleasure thing," he says, his voice all husky. "I tend to just like the pleasure part. However, I think I might just enjoy this a little too much because you have a very nice ass.Verynice," he says in a playful voice. "Peaches and cream. It's a shame I have to make it all red but when I'm done, I'll make sure to kiss it all better."

"Don't do it," I say, unable to keep my resolve not to resist, "or I'll hate you."

"I'll just have to take that risk. You have this coming." With that, he brings his hand down on my left buttock with a loud smack, his hand landing down low, the pain sharp. I cover my mouth with my hands, not wanting to make a sound and give him any satisfaction.

"That," he says, rubbing the place where he slapped me. "That's for sneaking away from Vasily the other day. The poor man was frantic when he realized you were gone. He was afraid I'd kill him for it and I probably should have but I'm just too soft-hearted and only punched him."

I tense up, waiting for the next blow.

"And this," he says, another blow on my other buttock. "This is for leaving the apartment and going downstairs, finding Kate. You know you have to just obey, Eve. The rules are there for a reason. They're not arbitrary. You think you need to know everything about everything but this is a military campaign and you know what Ithinkyou need to know, nothing more."

He rubs the spot gently. I'm determined I won't make a sound, won't give him the pleasure of my tears.

"This—" Smack! "This is for making me tell you the truth about Kate when I didn't want you to know. When you didn'tneedto know."

The spank stings, but it's the helplessness that gets to me – I'm at his total mercy. He could spank me as much or little as he wants, as hard as he wants, and there's nothing I can do about it except use the safe word and that would admit defeat.


"Ah, but I don't hateyou, Eve, and that's all that matters. I don't hate spanking your sweet little derriere. When I met you that first night in the diner, when I got a look at you as a grown woman, I was so sad to think Michel found you first. But now, I have you all to myself and oh, you have such a nice little ass, all round and jiggly when I slap it. It makes me think of how it'll jiggle when I take you from behind. And look - now it's getting a lovely shade of pink."

"You're a bastard and you’ll never take me from behind."

That makes him laugh. "Yes, technically I am and considering what an old letch my father was, how could I be anything else?” After a moment, he bends down and whispers in my ear. “And Iwilltake you from behind Eve.” He pulls my hair away from my face, presses his cheek against mine. “And you’ll love it when I do.”

With that, he smacks me even harder than before, and for the first time, I become scared as I realize how powerful he is and how he really could do whatever he wants to me, ignoring any safe word I did use.

"That’s for putting yourself in such danger. And this," he says and smacks me even harder without first rubbing, the pain sharp. "This is for making me have to kiss Luke's ass to get you back. Now he's going to be out to get you any way he can and I'll have to watch my back every minute of the day until I kill him."

"Stop it - you're hurting me!"

"I hope so," he says smacking me again, this time so hard that I cry out loud, tears of anger and frustration springing to my eyes. "That's for making me spank you."

"You're a sadist!"

"No, far from it," he says, "but you are a little bit of a masochist, aren't you? I'm up for administering a little spanking now and then to help out, especially when a girl forgets to do as she's told." He starts to rub my buttocks again, his hand moving lightly over my skin.

I can't help it – I cry, my hands covering my eyes.

"Shhh," he whispers. "I hope you've learned your lesson. If you have, I'll stop."

I don't respond, just try to hold back the tears, wiping my eyes on my sleeve.

"Tell me what lesson you've learned, Eve."

"I hate you!"

"Wrong answer." He strikes me again, and I jam my fist in my mouth to stop from giving him the satisfaction of hearing me cry out. He rubs my buttocks again, his hands moving in slow circles over each one. "That was for scaring me half to death by your stunt on the roof and for making me think Soren had you. Now, try again."

I refuse to answer, biting down hard in anticipation of the next blow.

"I assure you, Eve, that I'll keep spanking you until you give me the right answer. I love spanking your nice little ass, imagining all the other things I'm going to do to your sweet little body when I'm done. Now tell me, what lesson have you learned today?"

Finally, I give in. "Not to leave without permission."