“I am ready to go home,” Elena said, cutting him off. “The sooner we leave the better life will be for all of us.”

“I’ll fetch Jacob to gather the rest of the belongings,” Isobel said and was out the door in a flash.

“Do ye see what I mean about the two of them?” Elena chuckled.

“At least there is a spark of hope and light in this dreary place,” Gabriel mumbled as he moved to the door with the trunk in his hands.

It didn’t take them long to load up the carriage. Gabriel stood by as he watched Elena and Isobel say their long goodbyes to Iona and Darragh. By the time they actually got on the road, it was nearly mid-day. The sun felt amazing on Gabriel’s skin as he rode alongside the carriage. He didn’t mind the fact that Elena was riding in it with Isobel, but there was a small part of him that was jealous. Any excuse to sit beside her, or converse with her and he’d do it. But Iona insisted that he care for Isobel and not let her ride.

“Fine day, is it nae?” Jacob asked as he trotted up to Gabriel and rode next to him.

“Nae a cloud in sight,” Gabriel said, admiring the greenery. The tree branches stretched into the sky nearly blocking the azure blue.

“Stop the carriage,” Elena’s voice rose, practically startling him. Gabriel glanced around searching for the unseen foe, with his hand on his dirk, he was ready to take action. When he realized the issue wasn’t outside the carriage but within, he had the driver stop.

“Ye alright?” Gabriel and Isobel asked in unison. Gabriel’s mind shifted instantly to poison as his eyes fell on Elena’s pale face.

“I need air,” Elena said as she tried to fan herself with her hand to no avail. “I cannae breath.”

“What is wrong?” Gabriel asked. Panic coursed through his veins as he slipped off his horse and rushed to help Elena out of the carriage.

“I daenae ken,” Elena mumbled as she clung to him for support.

“Yer burnin’ up,” Gabriel said as he pressed his hand to her forehead. Panic was quickly replaced by fear as his mind jumped between scenarios. On one hand, he thought the poison she pulled out of Darragh somehow transferred to her. But on the other hand, she had no wounds for the poison to get into.

“I ken,” she said.

“Why dinnae ye tell me ye were ill before we left? We could have stayed,” Gabriel said as he curled his arm around her waist to help her remain upright.

“I wasnae ill then,” she said as Isobel darted to her side.

“Perhaps fresh water will help?” Isobel asked as Gabriel glanced about and spotted the loch not far from where they stopped.

“Aye,” Gabriel said as Elena motioned to sit down. “Stay wit’ her, I’ll fetch some.”

“Nay,” Jacob answered. “I’ll go. Ye stay wit’ the Lady, I’ll be right back.”

An overwhelming sense of helplessness came over Gabriel as Elena dipped her head between her legs. She trembled at his touch.

“Is this poison?” Gabriel asked, praying with every ounce of his being that she hadn’t been infected.

“Nay,” Elena whispered. “This is nae like any poison I’ve read about.”

“Then what is wrong? How can I help ye if I daenae ken what is causin’ this?” Pain ripped through his chest as if he found his heart splitting into two pieces.

“Just stay wit’ me,” she said. “It feels as if it is passin’.”

Grinding his teeth, Gabriel refused to let her see how worried he was. He knew the best thing for her was to just be there and help at a moment’s notice.

“There,” Elena said as she pulled in a long deep breath. “I’m feelin’ better already.”

“Maybe it was motion sickness and all the stress from the castle finally takin’ its toll on me.”

“Here, M’Lady,” Jacob said as he rushed up back from the loch with a fresh container of water for Elena.

“Thank ye, Jacob,” she said as she took the container and sipped on the icy liquid. Slowly color returned to her face. Seeing her eyes shimmer again lifted Gabriel’s spirits. He’d never seen anyone get so sick so quickly before.

“Is that better then?” Gabriel asked as he pushed aside the loose strands of hair from her face.