“Are ye alright?” Elena asked.

“Fine,” Anna said in a short, curt tone.

“I see,” Elena said, standing straighter.

“Nay ye daenae,” Anna said as she raked her hand over her upper lip. “Why cannae ye just leave things be?”

“Ye have been so concerned for me that I never thought maybe it was ye who needed help.”

“I daenae need help. I just need for ye to stay out of my business,” Anna said as she cleared her throat and rolled her shoulders back. Elena wanted to protest and keep her sister by her side, but it was no use. Anna was going to do what she wanted and no one, not even Elena could stop her.

“I meant nay harm,” Elena said as her sister stormed after Vincent.

What is goin’ on wit’ her? She’s never been so closed off before. I pray Anna is well and if nae, she finds the peace she so desperately needs.

Chapter 26

“Are ye sure about this?”Gabriel asked as he shoved the last of his clothes into Elena’s trunk.

“It’s time,” she answered as she scanned the room once more ensuring she wasn’t missing anything.

“We can stay longer if ye wish.”

“Nay,” Elena said as she plopped down on the bed beside the trunk. “We need to go.”

“I’m ready,” Isobel said, bursting through the bedroom door with a huge smile on her face.

“Isobel,” Elena scolded. “What ever happened to knockin’?”

“I’m sorry,” Isobel said. “I’m just so thrilled to be taggin’ along wit’ ye.”

“Are ye sure maither said it was alright for ye to come wit’ us? The last thin’ I need is for her to be comin’ after ye because she thinks ye ran away.”

“Do ye really think maither would think such things?” Isobel asked as Gabriel glanced at Elena. He couldn’t help but feel Isobel’s anxiousness to be leaving. It seemed as if the moment he arrived the castle had a dark cloud lingering over it. There was no doubt he was thrilled when Elena told him she wished to return home. After all, they had been there for three days and Darragh was moving around on his own.

“Aye,” Elena answered. “Ye daenae ken maither very well do ye? She once charged a boar to save ye from it. I’m certain if she thought ye were in danger in anyway, she come for ye.”

“It is fine,” Isobel said as she sighed heavily. “Besides, I think even maither would come wit’ us just to steer clear of Anna and Vincent.”

“Why what is goin’ on wit’ them?” Gabriel asked as he moved to pick up the trunk off the bed. Hoisting the luggage into his arms, he glanced at Isobel first then Elena. There was clearly something between them they didn’t wish to share with him. He pulled in a deep breath.

“What is goin’ on?” he asked.

“Tis nothin’,” Elena finally said. “I may have caught Anna and Vincent in a spat of sorts and they dinnae like me buttin’ in.”

“Ye too?” Isobel gasped. “I found them in the garden arguin’ wit’ one another. And I must say, they dinnae look happy at all. I’ve never seen Vincent so angry before.”

“How angry?” Gabriel asked. He could feel his nerves rattling within his body, each firing off a warning shot through him.

“Well,” Isobel said as she tilted her head to think. “I daenae think he is cruel, but there is somethin’ amiss wit’ them. At first I thought it was due to uncle’s issue but when he got better, it seemed their relationship took a turn for the worse. All I ken is that I’m thrilled ye asked me to come wit’ ye. I need a break from this place.”

Gabriel could completely understand. He too felt the heaviness around him as he moved through the castle. Although the clan seemed to appreciate him more than usual, he couldn’t shake the feeling of something being off.

“Well,” he said. “Best head out then. The road is callin’ and I daenae foresee bad weather comin’, but ye never ken this time of year.”

Isobel nodded as Elena rose from the bed. He glanced at her a moment ensuring there was no hesitation in her. It was as if she could feel his eyes lingering on her. Elena turned her head and flashed the most pitiful smile.

“I’ll ask ye once more,” he said as he held her attention.