“Well just remember that this is nae yer home and ye can leave anytime ye wish. Ye just say the word and I’ll make it happen.”

“I ken ye will,” Elena said with a smile. “I daenae deserve ye.”

“Aye, ye do,” he said, brushing his fingertips over her face. He leaned down and crushed his lips to hers. Elena allowed herself to drift into him as if he were the center of the universe. She didn’t care about Anna’s problems nor did any thoughts of her uncle enter her mind. All she cared about was Gabriel at this moment.

“Ye should probably go and check on yer uncle,” Gabriel said as he pulled away from her slowly. She could feel his hesitation as his arms uncurled from her body. She shivered as the cool air swirled about her the moment Gabriel stepped away.

“Aye,” Elena answered as she stepped back. “And what are ye plannin’ on doin’?”

“Well, someone should go and hunt for the feast tonight to celebrate yer uncle, so I best be the one goin’.”

“Will ye be goin’ alone?” Elena asked as her heart ached at the thought of him leaving.

“Nay, I’ll brin’ Jacob wit’ me. I’m sure he’s wantin’ to get away for a spell.”

“Daenae be so certain. I’ve seen him at my sister’s side and I daenae think he’s wantin’ to leave that place any time soon,” Elena said as she rubbed the back of her neck.

“Jacob and Isobel?”

“Aye,” Elena said as she felt heat rush to her face. “Seems they have grown fond of each other.”

“Well, I suppose I can find another to go along wit’,” Gabriel said. “But ye should go and ensure yer uncle is well and I’ll see ye later tonight.”

“Do ye promise?” Elena asked. Her voice trembled as she chewed her lower lip. Suddenly everything felt so fragile.

“Of course,” Gabriel said. He leaned down and kissed her forehead before he turned and left the dining hall. Elena scanned the room and rubbed her arms as if to stave off the cold. Pulling in a deep breath, she turned and moved down the hallway to the healer’s.

“I daenae ken.” Elena heard Anna say. Peering around the corner, Elena spied Anna as Vincent pressed her against the wall.

“Are ye sure?” Vincent asked as Elena found the situation a bit more than uncomfortable.

“Aye,” Anna mumbled. The fear on Anna’s face was enough for Elena to step closer.

“Everythin’ alright here?” Elena asked as her eyes shifted from Anna to Vincent.

“This is nae yer concern, Elena,” Vincent hissed as he kept his eyes locked on Anna.

“I wasnae askin’ ye,” Elena said as she moved closer to Anna. Fear stole the very warmth of her as she inched ever closer.

“Elena, please, I’ll speak wit’ ye later,” Anna said. Elena noticed Anna’s red, teary eyes.

“How about I get maither here and ye both can discuss what is goin’ on wit’ her.”

“There is nay need for that,” Vincent said, straightening himself. “Besides this is none of her business either.”

“Anna is my sister, and has the same blood flowing through her veins as I do. Ye have an issue wit’ her, ye have an issue wit’ me. Family sticks by each other.”

“Anna is my wife,” Vincent snapped.

“But she was my sister first and foremost,” Elena said, keeping her body rigid.

“Elena, please,” Anna mumbled.

“Clearly we are goin’ to have to continue this conversation later,” Vincent sneered. “I’ll expect ye in the bedroom at six to discuss this further.”

Without another word, Vincent stormed off. Elena shot to Anna’s side immediately hoping for some way to ease her sister’s mind.

“Just leave me be,” Anna snapped as Elena’s fingers brushed over her arm.