“I’ll be right back,” Elena said as she made her way through the crowd to her sister.

“What is wit’ the sour look? We should all be happy uncle is well,” Elena said as Anna’s hands balled into tight little fists.

“Ye ken ye stole Vincent’s moment right?” Anna snapped. “He was goin’ to tell everyone about Darragh. And yet it was Gabriel.”

“So? Who cares where the news came from as long as it is the truth, would ye nae agree?”

“Ye daenae understand,” Anna said through clenched teeth. “Vincent should have made the suggestion to feast. He is the one who will be the clan chief should anythin’ happen to Darragh.”

“Tis nae my fault the men look up to Gabriel,” Elena said. “Besides, Gabriel and I will be leavin’ soon enough and ye and Vincent can go back to the way things were before.”

“Everythin’ alright?” Elena glanced to her right to find Gabriel standing beside her. The rouge on her sister’s cheeks burned ever brighter.

Elena nodded. “Aye, everythin’ is fine. Just a bit stressed mingled wit’ relief. Seems emotions are a bit high in here. Perhaps we should go somewhere else?”

“If yer leavin’ on my account,” Anna snapped. “I’ll do ye the favor and leave first. Clearly I can see when I’m nae wanted or needed.”

Before Elena could protest, her sister stormed off.

“What was that all about?” Gabriel asked as Elena moved closer to him and snuggled into his chest. There was warmth and protection in his arms that no one could match. No matter how bad the world got around her, it was there, in his embrace she knew she would find her redemption and safety.

“My sister is just mad that ye announced uncle’s recovery.”

“As if I need another reason for her nae to like me,” Gabriel said.

“She likes ye,” Elena mumbled, although she couldn’t be entirely certain she was truthful. Anna did certainly seem to have issues with Gabriel.

“Like a hole in the ceilin’,” Gabriel chuckled.

“Tis nae so bad,” Elena said. “But I think she expects us to stay here until uncle is completely on his feet.”

“Is that what ye want to do?” Gabriel asked. “After all, if yer uncle is capable of makin’ decisions again, there is nay need for us to linger here. We have a home that we should get back to.”

“I ken,” Elena said, tilting her head up to stare at him. “And I want to go back, just nae today.”

“I never said it had to be,” Gabriel said as he stared at her. There was love in his eyes as he held her attention. “We can stay as long as ye want.”

“Are ye sure?” Elena asked as she squeezed him tightly.

Gabriel smiled at her and squeezed her back. “Ye silly lass, when are ye goin’ to realize that I’ll do anythin’ to make ye happy. If stayin’ a day or so longer will please ye, then we can. Or if ye just want to stay here wit’ yer family and have me go, I’ll do it. Whatever ye want, I’ll do it.”

“Do ye ken how much I love ye?” Elena asked as she reached up on her tiptoes and crushed her lips to his.

“I ken,” he said. “But I daenae think this news will please yer sister. She doesnae seem too keen on us stayin’ much longer.”

“Are ye speakin’ about Anna?” Elena asked as she pulled away.

“There is somethin’ goin’ on wit’ her. It’s like nay matter the news, she’s nae happy wit’ it.”

“She’s under a lot of pressure from Vincent,” Elena said. “The other day I heard them arguin’ over somethin’ or another. From what I gathered, she wasnae expectin’ him to come here.”

“I thought Vincent was in line to be the Laird?” Gabriel asked as he brushed his fingers through Elena’s hair. She loved the way he felt.

“There are always rumors flyin’ about this place,” Elena said. “It’s one of the reasons I’m happy nae to be here anymore. I never ken how stressful this place was until I finally left.”

“Are ye sayin’ yer happier wit’ me then?” Gabriel smirked and gave her a little nudge.

“Aye,” Elena said begrudgingly. “Perhaps a wee bit.”