Page 9 of Wanted

He strolled over to her and enfolded her in a bear hug, burying his nose in the curve between her neck and shoulder. “You look beautiful.”

“Thank you.” She tugged on his hair, well aware Cale’s gaze lingered on them from across the room. What was he thinking? “You look pretty beautiful too,” she said, lowering her voice so only Tony could hear.

“Yeah. All sweaty and dirty.” His grin broadened as she reached up to wipe away the smear of dust on his cheek. “Think I should change before we hit the club. We’ll have to head home first.”

“Works for me.” She kissed his clean cheek. “Thanks. I know you’re not really into going.”

“I was thinking I’d bring reinforcements.”

“What do you mean?”

He eased back and gripped her upper arms with his wide hands. He held her tighter than usual, his fingers digging into her skin. “How do you feel about Cale coming with us?”


Marcia’s breathing sped up in time with her heartbeat. Again her gaze sought Cale’s. He’d continued to gather their tools and straighten up, but he didn’t bother with the pretense of actually seeming occupied. His attention was squarely on them.

Now she knew why.

“He’s into it?” she asked, feeling stupid. Of course he was. If her opinion of Cale’s bedroom practices held any water, she had a feeling anything went with him. Anything, anywhere, maybe with anyone. She stared hard at Tony. “And how into it is he?”

Maybe he wasn’t just intoher. Could he be into his best friend as well? If so, how exactly did she feel about that?

“You look nervous. You’re never nervous.”

She narrowed her eyes at her lover. “Of course I’m not nervous. Does he like voyeurism?”

“Guess we’ll find out, huh?” Tony slung an arm around her shoulders and turned to address Cale too. “Reassure Marcia you’ve never been to Kink either, would you? She’s freaking that you’re some kind of old pro.”

“I am not freaking,” Marcia muttered. Maybe she was. Just a little.

“Never been there, Blondie.” He held up two fingers. “Scout’s honor.”

“As if you were a Scout.” She rolled her eyes as Tony’s hand crept toward her breast. Normally he wasn’t touchy-feely in front of people but maybe he was trying to get things started early. “As ifeitherof you were Scouts,” she added.

“Never heard you complain about that before.” Again his fingers brushed her breast, except this time they went straight for her puckered nipple. Cale’s gaze locked on the movements of Tony’s hand, causing a renewed surge of moisture between her thighs.

“Guess you like what I’m wearing,” she said to Tony, watching his fingers as they toyed with the vee of her dress. Knowing Cale was watching too made her stand just a little straighter, thrust her chest out just a bit more.

Her breasts were her best asset, besides her brain. Not that anyone she knew would’ve guessed she felt that way. Unfortunately her brain took second billing because she couldn’t show it off in cleavage-enhancing clothing.

“It’s sexy as fuck.” Tony leaned down and kissed the side of her neck, leaving a wet, hot trail behind. Definitely not the only part of her hot and wet. “Just like you.”

“Speaking of sexy and fucking,” both men chuckled, “did you tell Cale about my book?” she asked.

Discussing her book helped distract her from the knowledge Cale was coming to Kink with them. She’d wanted a chance for the three of them to get down and dirty and this scenario was working out better than she could’ve planned. But still. What if she was biting off more than she could chew? Or swallow?

“Your sex manual? Of course he did. He wanted to sign me up as your research partner when he needs a break.” Though Cale was grinning and so was Tony, Marcia noted an obvious charge in the air. Andthischarge sparked between all three of them.

“Oh you did, hmm?” She glanced at Tony, trying to peer into his head. Did he know she wanted a threesome? Was he being his typical wonderful self and offering to let her do whatever she needed to feel good? Or did he want to share her with Cale?

She sighed. Too many damn questions. She’d have to start getting some answers soon or her head would explode.

“I did. You know you want to sleep with him, Marsh.”

The bald statement reverberated in the room, bringing a sharp flush to her cheeks that quickly spread to the rest of her body. She started to object until her libido prevailed.

She wanted this. Wanted Cale. And there he was, right in front of her in his sweaty T-shirt for the taking.