Page 8 of Wanted

“So bring him with you to Kink. Start the party there, if you get my drift. If she’s into it too,” she added. “Though I’m guessing she will be. She’ll probably be into it way faster than I was.”

“It took some time for you?”

“Sure. I’ve always been a slow learner. C’mon, I was voted most likely to be the last virgin at Middlemarch High. And they weren’t wrong.” She shrugged. “I was completely clueless the first time I saw a cock.”

Grinning at Tony’s loud burst of laugher, she waved as the door opened. “Aw, look, my men are back,” she said, walking over to take the takeout bag out of Spencer’s hand.

“I love when I walk in and the last word I hear is cock.” Spencer snatched the bag right back.

“I was talking about Adam’s, not yours,” she said sweetly, brushing a quick kiss over his lips before she again grabbed for the bag. She dug out a French fry, dangling it over her mouth before she took a big bite. Spencer watched her the entire time.

Adam grinned and high-fived Kelly. “Sickening, aren’t they?” he asked Tony, tossing him a glance.

“Absolutely nauseating,” Tony agreed, rising. Looked as if his break was over.

Which meant he was that much closer to tonight.

* * *

A prudent woman on a budget shouldn’t go out and spend a hundred dollars on a sexy dress. Marcia, however, had never claimed to be prudent.

How could she resist? The deep red wrap dress cinched her waist and revealed plenty of cleavage. It also ended right above her knee. In the old days—before she’d gained those seventeen-point-five pounds—her hem length had been decidedly higher. Since then she’d learned the value of being demure. Ormoredemure, since no one would ever use that particular word to describe her.

She grinned and poked through the bag of goodies she’d purchased. Maybe she could write the dress off on her taxes along with the cherry-chocolate lube and remote-operated vibrator. They were all part of her research. The lube was just a replacement tube but the remote-controlled vibrator was something she hadn’t tried. They’d have fun after the club, no doubt about it.

Kink, on the other hand, was an unknown element.

“You asked to do this,” she reminded herself, reaching up to take the last few curlers out of her hair. She teased her curls into a sexy tangle and tried to ignore the rare bout of nerves stampeding through her belly.

She didn’t consider herself a control freak under normal circumstances. She wasn’t submissive or dominant in bed, taking turns with both. Sexual surprises were exciting. But Tony and Kink? They just didn’t go together.

He hadn’t exactly seemed thrilled at the idea. Just as he hadn’t been thrilled when she’d tied him up with silk scarves. Or the time she’d consented to anal play if he would wear a butt plug too.

A smile snuck free as she ran a fingernail along the container of lube. He’d ended up enjoying himself both times, so no harm no foul, right?

He never balked at anything she requested. Reason ten thousand he was entirely too good for her but she’d be damned if she would clue him in to that fact.

She sighed and rebagged her new purchases. New experiences could only help her book. Going to the club wasn’t a big deal. If they didn’t like it, they’d leave.

Thirty minutes later Marcia strode to the front door of Cale’s second-floor walk-up, condoms in her purse and seductive smile in place. Tony had said to pick him up here because he’d dropped his car off for maintenance. When the door swung open after her knock and she was confronted with Cale’s sweat-stained T-shirt and his drop-dead gorgeous smile, maintenance sounded excellent to her too.

A lube job in particular. And she’d even brought her own supplies.

“Hey, Blondie. You selling cookies?”

“Nope, only cookie I have is mine. And it’s not for sale.”

With a wink, she patted his damp chest and sidled past him just in time to see her lover, sans shirt, haul a huge piece of plywood over his head and lean it against the wall. Muscles rippled up and down his back and flexed in his tight shoulders. She’d spent many nights recently with her head on one of those shoulders, listening to the sound of the rain and Tony’s deep voice as he told her about his day. He tended to be a talker, though when it came to sex he usually didn’t get too verbal. He was more about action than words in that case.

Cale was a whole different story. If the twinkle in his light-blue eyes indicated anything, she’d bet he could make a porn star blush.

“How about available for loan?” Cale murmured as he came up behind her. He kept going toward Tony, hefting his own huge slab of plywood with an easy strength that made her thighs quiver.

It took her a minute to get what he was referring to. Oh right. Her cookie. Available for loan. Hmm. Partner swapping. That was something else she should probably mention in her book. Though Cale didn’t have a current girlfriend to share with Tony, which was a damn good thing. She wanted both men to herself.

Greedy bitch.

She smiled and waved her clutch purse as Tony flashed her a grin. “Hey there, sexy,” she said in her cheeriest,of course I’m not hornyvoice.