Page 97 of My Retribution Too

“Oh god!” I exclaimed, bringing my hand to my mouth, tears beginning to form and fall down my face. However, I had no time for tears. My heart would break later but right now I wiped my face and moved quickly to Homer’s side, ready to see what I could do but I learned quickly there wasn’t anything Icoulddo. The whole side of his head had been blown off, blood and brain matter were splattered all over Lock’s recliner.

My phone clicked and I glanced down and saw Ivey was calling.

“Don’t you dare answer that if you don’t want me to start lining them up, all right beside each other. I’ve already started with one. The one at your feet is number two. The other two outside were just collateral damage. But answer that call and I swear I’ll kill them all.”

I let the call go to voicemail, my body shaking with fear, with rage. “What do you want?”

He sighed and it chilled me to the bone. “Isn’t it obvious. I want you. And now that he’s out of the picture, you and I can pick up where we left off.”

“Who’s out of the picture? What do you mean?”

“Oh, you know what I mean. You’re free. I’ve saved you. That fucking cop can’t get in the way of our happiness anymore.”

Feeling more anger than anything else, I stood to my feet and growled into the phone. “What the fuck did you do?”

“I did what needed to be done. I got rid of him. He was holding you back, keeping you prisoner. Now I’ve freed you.” I shook my head not wanting to believe his words. He couldn’t have… He…

“Got rid of who, Byron? Lock? Are you talking about Lock?”

“Fuck, I don’t remember you being this fucking stupid. Yes. I got rid of Lock.”

“How? How did you get rid of him? Say it!” I yelled, knowing deep down in the pits of my soul what he was about to say. But I still wasn’t ready for the words to fall from his mouth.

“I killed him.”

He spoke three words. Three words that broke me, shattered me into a million pieces. My nightmare, the one I’ve been having for weeks was now my reality.

“No,” I kept shaking my head no, over and over again, saying it into my phone, willing my thoughts to think only of Lock. Byron was lying, he couldn’t have…



He growled. “Why must you always question me. Here, let me show you…” A few seconds had passed then he said, “Check your phone.”

I picked up the phone just as a text came in. I opened the text and saw he sent me a video.

“Open it,” I heard him direct, but I didn’t move to touch my screen. I couldn’t move, afraid of what I would see, of witnessing what he had done.

“Open it!” he yelled through the phone. I jumped, damn near dropping the phone, and hit play.

A video showed Lock standing in some doorway with his guys. Then a rifle shot rang out, and I watched the love of my life fall out of sight.

“No….” I screamed and dropped to my knees.

Byron was saying something, but I couldn’t hear him through the ringing in my ears. He couldn’t be dead, he couldn’t be… but as my heart began breaking, I remembered Ivey had called me, and he kept calling. I even heard Homer’s phone now vibrating.

No, god, no, please. Please…

I picked up my phone and screamed into the speaker, “I’m going to find you and kill you! Do you hear me? I’m going to rip you apart with my bare fucking hands you psycho son of a bitch! You crazy fucking cunt ass bitch!”

I said some other things I couldn’t make out. I was crying and spitting and dying on the inside. I heard glass shattering around me and in the distance. A hiss sounded and immediately everything around me was engulfed in flames, gray smoke covering the space around me.

“Come out, Phoebe, or die. It’s your choice. Use the garage and my guys will be there waiting, for you. They will bring you to me.”

I began coughing wildly, the smoke and heat from the flames crawling closer to me, threatening to overcome me. I couldn’t stay in this house. But I also couldn’t leave. What do I do?

An idea came to me after I practically coughed up one of my lungs and rummaged around Homer’s body for his gun. I checked the magazine, made sure it was fully loaded and crawled my way to the garage.