Page 96 of My Retribution Too

I didn’t answer him, instead I climbed on top of him kissed him silly and slid my lips down his body until I came face to face with his growing manhood.

“You do know distracting me isn’t going to… Fuckkk, woman…”

Needless to say, I successfully distracted him. By the time we were able to catch our breaths again, he had to leave for work. I knew I wouldn’t be able to dodge the topic for long. I was sure he would bring it up the moment he gets back home.


Looking around his house made me feel warm inside. It probably shouldn’t since he created a life with his wife here, but I don’t know, I loved it here. I felt so comfortable here, so at home. I could see why Lock never moved or sold this house. Could I have a life here with him? Absolutely.

The ding from the washer went off and I stood from my favorite place, the TV room, and made my way to the laundry room that sat in the back of the house towards the back bedroom.

As I stared at the closed bedroom door, I thought about living here. Lock and I roommates… Would that even work? Could I sleep in another bed knowing he was under the same roof? Probably not. And I was sure he wouldn’t let me. Last night, when I made my way to my bedroom to shower and go to bed, he kindly stepped into the bedroom, picked my naked ass up, and carried me into his bathroom.

We ended up showering together, fooled around, and collapsed on his bed, kissing, fondling, groping until he found me hot and wanting.

Yeah, he’s definitely not going to let me sleep in another room. Not without him at least.

A wicked smile slid across my face thinking about the night and morning I had with the man of my dreams, the love of my lifetime. It had to be a crime to be this happy. My smile suddenly dropped from my face.

Lord, please don’t let fate mess this up for me.

Right after that thought crossed my mind, I heard a loud thud coming from the front living room.

Homer was in there, watching some baseball game.

I peeked out of the laundry room and called his name. No answer. I felt the hairs on the back of my neck stand at attention, my gut warning me that something wasn’t right, again!No, no, no, this can’t be happening.Lock had multiple people watching the house. He had someone patrolling outside, Danny was manning the security cameras and Homer was watching me. I was sure if something was wrong we’d know.

My phone started to vibrate in my back pocket. I closed the washing machine and pulled out my phone. I checked the screen, saw it was an unknown number. All of the women we had assisted the other night to safety were all accounted for. But maybe this was one of them calling me back.

I answered the phone, putting the call on speaker, and my heart dropped the moment I heard his voice.

“Hello, sweetie cakes.”


How in the hell did he get my number?


“Yeah, baby it’s me. See I knew you would never forget my voice or me.”

“Wh-what do you want?”

“What do you mean, what do I want? I’m here to save you?”

“Save me?” I replied breathlessly, heart feeling like it was going to explode. I needed to get him off this phone.

“Don’t make me repeat myself, you know I hate that.” His voice changed to a tone I remembered all too well. But in a flash, it was gone, replaced with this buttery sweet voice that made me want to vomit and pass out at the same time. Maybe choke on my vomit and die.

“We don’t have a lot of time. I’m sure by now they are on their way there. I have my guys outside. I’ve already taken care of the two outside and the one watching over you in there so you’re clear.”

The last thing he said caused me to snap out of the fear threatening to choke me.

“Wait, what do you mean? Who did you take care of, Byron? What did you do?”

I didn’t wait for him to respond; I bolted from the laundry room, walking fast, praying Homer and the guys were okay. Lock decided to leave more than one guy to support Homer. They had to be okay.

I screamed the moment I found Homer wasn’t okay. He was lying on the floor, not moving, blood pooled around his head.