Page 117 of My Retribution Too

“He did?. Well let me help you forget that son of a bitch.”

I kissed my woman, made love to her mouth, all the while thanking God I was able to find her, that she was safe, and would be from this day forward.

“I love you, Phoebe Marie Gates.”

She ran her fingers over my hair and gripped my neck tight. “I love you too, Lockhart Mills.” I kissed her again, allowing the taste of my woman to take over my soul, to become one with mine. I fucking loved this woman with all of me. There will never be another for me. I would be making that shit official sooner than later. Why fucking wait.

Before I carried my woman out of this hell, I yelled behind me, “You two get your asses downstairs before I send your men up here to get you.” That was directed to the two women inside the room with Phoebe. I was thankful that they were there, but I had no energy to read them the riot act. I would leave that shit up to their significant others.

I didn’t leaveher side as the doctors looked her over. My hand has been laced with hers the moment the paramedic drove away, taking us to the nearest hospital. I had left Ivey to handle the scene with the local cops. Munoz and Santos were gone, they took their people with them. We reported to the locals that we had reason to believe a local Dallas cartel was up to nefarious activities. We followed them out this way, however before we could call it in, they started a war between each other. We needed to neutralize the scene before we could call it in.

I wasn’t sure if they bought it or not, but that’s the story we were using and sticking to it. Some of the residents claimed they heard helicopters, but we reported none on the scene when we arrived. Maybe it was in the back. The house was a mess so much so that the locals gladly left it to us and the feds to clean up, which was what we wanted.

When we completed a full search of the property, we found a barn way off to the side filled with women from all walks of life. They were being held there, some as long as a month. They were starving, badly in need of a shower and some medical attention. There were also drugs in the barn, pure heroin to be exact. Blocks and blocks of the stuff that were probably worth close to a mil on the street. It was a huge buts for us and the Feds.

Back to Phoebe…

She suffered a small concussion at the hands of either Santos or Schindler. The doctor also reports that she had bruised ribs, a dislocated knee and bruises all over her body from the fucker stomping on her. Hearing what she had gone through caused rage to boil the blood in my veins. I wished I could go back in time and beat the shit out of him again. They reset her knee and told her she’d be in a cast for several weeks. They were running more tests to make sure she was okay and would probably be released in a few hours.

Once we were alone, she asked about Schindler.

“Did someone grab him before he escaped?”

I didn’t want to tell her what happened, but I felt she needed to know that she wouldn’t have to worry about him ever again.

“Yes, I ran into him when he tried to escape with three of his guys.”

She frowned her face. “Was one of them burly, big with a black form fitted shirt?”

I thought back to the three that stepped from the house and nodded.

“Yeah, why?”

“He was the one that dragged me by my hair.”

I gently ran my fingers through her hair. It had taken her a long painful hour to get the knots out of her hair. The doctor had to inject her scalp with some numbing medicine just so she could comb her hair.

“That motherfucker,” I berated.

“I know. But you got him though?”

I nodded. “Yeah, baby. I got him too.”

“So how is this going to work. Will you charge them with kidnapping and assault?”

I frowned, confused, then it dawned on me, she thought I arrested them. “No, Kitten. I didn’t arrest them.”

It was her turn to look confused. “But you said you got them.”

“Yeah, I did. I got them all. You will never have to worry about Schindler or his guys again. Miguel too, although I had nothing to do with his demise.”

“His…” she paused, grew quiet as her eyes grew large. I then told her how everything went down. I let her know that in no way was she allowed to share what happened, but I knew she wouldn’t be able to keep it from Noelle or Ayana. I was okay with that. They knew how to keep their mouths shut.

“Alright, Miss Gates…” the doctor entered her room his eyes on the tablet in his hand. “I got your test results back and everything looks good.” He glanced up at us and gave us a smile. “I would recommend you see an orthopedic doctor to make sure that knee of yours is healing properly. Stay off your feet for a while too. You suffered a mild concussion, but you need some serious rest. Your blood pressure is slightly elevated but I’m not too concerned with that. However, your OB/GYN may want to ask—”

“I’m sorry my what?” Phoebe asked, her voice raising a few octaves high.

The doctor’s smile grew. “Your OB/GYN. Do you have one yet?”