Page 118 of My Retribution Too

“I-I- mean I do have one, but why would I need to talk to her. I wasn’t raped or anything. I don’t…”

I sat up straight in my chair, eyes wide as fuck. The smile on the doctor’s face broadened as my heart damn near dropped to my toes.

“Miss Gates, you’re pregnant. I’m sorry I thought you knew that. You should definitely get checked. If you like, I can get someone to do an ultrasound now to make sure all is okay.”

Phoebe couldn’t speak. Her mouth was wide open, completely in shock. I stood and addressed the doctor. “Yes, can you do that please. And can you have the nurse bring in more water.”

The doctor’s smile turned into concern as he studied Phoebe. “Miss Gates, are you okay?”

I captured her face in my hands and brought her wide eyes to me. I looked down at her, grinning but I addressed the doctor once more. “Yeah doc, she’s good. You’re right, though. We didn’t know that she was pregnant. She’s been through a lot today so I’m sure she’s in her head right now. If you could rush this along, I would be greatly appreciative.”

“Of course. Yes. They’ll be in shortly.”

I heard the door close behind me and I leaned down and placed a soft, sweet kiss to her lips.

“You okay, Kitten?” I asked, trying to bring her back to me.

She swallowed hard, closed her eyes, and took a deep breath. When she opened her eyes, they were filled with unshed tears. “I’m sorry. I didn’t know I could get pregnant. I mean I knew and we didn’t use protection bu-but I—”

“Whoa, baby, relax,” I instructed softly when I noticed she was getting worked up. “It’s fine. I’m good. Hell, I’m better than good. You’re pregnant with my baby. Withourbaby.”

Her brows pinched together in confusion. “You’re not mad? You don’t think I trapped you or something. Please know I didn’t trap you. This wasn’t…” I kissed her again to silence her, dipping my tongue into her mouth and deepening the kiss. I didn’t stop when I heard the door open or when someone cleared their throat. I only pulled apart when I felt my woman, my future wife, relax under my touch.

I ran my fingers through her hair and rested my hand at the base of her neck. “I love you, Phoebe. I knew what I was doing when we slept together. I know you didn’t trap me and I couldn’t be happier. Now stop worrying and let’s see our child.” I kissed her again, a quick one and returned to my seat, wrapping my fingers between hers.

The red-faced technician avoided looking at us until she was ready to put some gunk on Phoebe’s stomach. I watched her closely as well as Phoebe, to make sure whatever she was about to do wouldn’t hurt. I guess the tech must have sensed my unease when she finally looked at me.

“Don’t worry, this isn’t going to hurt her or the baby. We’re just going to take pictures of the baby and listen to the heartbeat.”

I nodded, but I didn’t relax until I saw the wand roll over her stomach. Phoebe looked tense, but I knew she was that way because of the test.

It was a long few seconds and at first I thought maybe the doctor was mistaken until the nurse paused and pointed at the screen. “There he or she is.”

I had to lean in close, the ultrasound screen was small, but I saw the blip. She waved the wand around a little more, did something on the machine, and the sound of a heart beating fast filled the room.

“That’s your baby’s heartbeat. Nice and strong. Here let me do some measurements and I can determine how far along you are.”

I ignored the technician and leaned into Phoebe resting my forehead against the side of her head. She was outright crying now, tears streaming like rivers down her face.

“He’s so beautiful,” she whispered.

“You think it’s a boy?” I asked her, knowing if the dream I had was true, she would give me at least two boys.

She nodded. “I do.”

“Me too.”

“Okay, it looks like you’re about six weeks pregnant.”

We both gasped thinking back. Six weeks? That meant I got her pregnant the first night we slept together. Damn.

I rose to my feet, cradled her face in my hands again and whispered against her lips. “I can’t wait until you heal so I can properly how much I love you.”

“I would love that so very much. But… do we have to wait until I heal?”

I grinned. “Why don’t we focus on getting you out of this place. Then we’ll worry about the rest. Deal?”

“Deal,” she replied softly, giving me that gorgeous smile of hers.