She was delectable. A mix of hesitant, innocent and wanton sensualist.

‘You should have stayed in bed. I was bringing brunch.’ Then Alexei registered the stiff way she held herself. ‘Are you okay?’ He was across the room in an instant, taking her hands. ‘Tell me.’ Uncharacteristically, Alexei felt anxious. He told himself women lost their virginities all the time.

She swallowed and his eyes tracked the movement, senses alert. Especially when he realised she hadn’t yet looked directly at him.

As he thought it, she raised her eyes, her expression serious. His gut tightened.

‘I realised I never told you I’m sorry about the theft. father’s actions.’ She grimaced. ‘I didn’t really think about the impact on your business. Is it a complete disaster? Will the company recover?’

Days ago Alexei would have been astounded to feel relief at her words. Yet that was what flooded him. Carissa was okay; she wasn’t hurt. Or having second thoughts.

He brushed his thumbs over her wrists. ‘Thank you.’ Strange how something as simple as her concern, and her apology, acted as a salve on the raw wound to his pride. Because he hadn’t seen the betrayal coming. Because despite excellent systems, his enterprise had still been vulnerable. ‘It’s...manageable.’

The theft caused major problems but not enough to destabilise the company, if handled carefully.

‘Manageable?’ She tilted her head, trying to read him. ‘Is that code? He hasn’t bankrupted you, has he?’ No missing her sharp note of worry.

Alexei felt her tremble, saw her features pale. For once Carissa’s thoughts were easy to read. Horror and distress.

‘No, nothing like that.’ He squeezed her hands. ‘The company wasn’t that vulnerable.’

‘Good.’ She nodded. ‘I’m glad.’

The words were simple but he knew her well enough to realise her sentiments were genuine. Had he really believed she’d connived with her father? Watching her now, it was hard to credit. Her concern and sincerity, clear in her eyes and taut body as well as her words, made a mockery of his doubts. She might not want to betray her father but she was innocent of his crimes.

Belatedly it hit him how difficult this had been for her.

‘I’ve put you in a tough situation.’ The words emerged without thinking. It was too late to regret his actions, especially since he couldn’t regret having her here with him. But given his time over, Alexei would have taken a different approach.

Those brown eyes widened in shock. Then she lifted one shoulder. ‘I’ve survived worse.’

She made light of it but suddenly Alexei couldn’t. He felt wrong-footed. ‘I acted rashly. For that I’m sorry. I assumed you knew about the theft.’ When her eyes widened, he shook his head. ‘My default position is not to trust anyone. I learned long ago it was safer than being disappointed.’

Even Alexei was surprised by the admission. He never explained himself. But in this case, he knew he owed her an apology.

Carissa’s hands grasped his. ‘Could we, maybe, put all that aside for a little?’

She looked so earnest he had to smile. Especially since, after giving an apology, Alexei wasn’t quite sure where to go next. This was unfamiliar territory.

‘With pleasure.’ He brushed the fall of long hair off her shoulder and wrapped his other arm around her waist, tugging her close. ‘I’m sure we can find something else to concentrate on.’ He was leaning in to kiss her when a palm on his chest stopped him.

Carissa was staring at his collarbone, not his face. High colour flagged her cheeks.

‘About that,’ she said to his shirt. ‘We need to take a raincheck.’

Alexei frowned. He couldn’t believe it, especially as she arched sinuously against him. He could tell when a woman wanted him and Carissa did, without doubt. ‘Sorry? You don’t want to have sex with me?’

Her crack of laughter unlocked something tight that had formed in his chest. She shook her head. ‘You’re so sure of yourself.’

‘With good reason.’ His hand wandered lower, to the hem of her miniskirt. She stiffened.

‘The fact is, I can’t. I...’ She lifted her face and met his eyes with an unblinking stare. ‘I’ve got my period.’

Disappointment seared him. It was so savage it felt like pain. Alexei opened his mouth to suggest there were ways they could, but seeing her blush deepen, recalling she’d been a virgin yesterday, he shut it again.

He dragged in a slow breath. ‘I won’t say I’m not disappointed. But I’ve survived worse.’

When she registered the echo of her own words, Carissa grinned. Suddenly she looked more like the vibrant, confident woman he knew. A weight he hadn’t registered lifted from his chest. Alexei slung his arm around her shoulder and turned towards the tray he’d prepared.