‘Things will seem brighter after we’ve eaten.’

If only food could cure sexual frustration. Because the next few days would surely test him to the limit.

* * *

‘For someone who’s never been on a boat you look right at home.’ Alexei’s voice stirred Mina from her reverie. She looked across the dinghy’s bench seat to find him watching speculatively.

Three days ago his questioning stare would have made her wary, consumed with worry that he’d unmask her, for, unlike Carissa, she’d grown up in a desert kingdom with no experience of the sea. But a lot had changed. By mutual consent they didn’t speak about business or revenge or the future. They existed totally in the present.

Their relationship was fragile. It could only last until the outside world intruded. But for the first time in her life it was enough just tobe.

To be with him.

All her life, she’d strived to live up to others’ expectations. First to meet her father’s impossible demands. Then, finding a niche in the competitive art world, working harder than her peers to prove she hadn’t achieved her initial success because of her connections.

Being with Alexei was like breathing fresh air after stale. Even though they weren’t physically intimate since her lie about her period—the only way she could think of to keep him at arm’s length—to her amazement he hadn’t shown annoyance or frustration.

Alexei made her feel good about herself. Not because of her royal status, but because...

Because he genuinely liked her? The thought was tempting. But she couldn’t afford to dwell on it. She adjusted her wide-brimmed hat.

‘I’m adaptable,’ she murmured, taking in the crystalline ocean and white beach. ‘Besides, the view is fantastic.’

‘It sure is.’ Heat simmered in his dark jade stare and Mina felt the familiar tickle of awareness. It began in the soles of her feet, climbing up her legs to swirl and intensify between her thighs, then rise, via her breasts to her throat where her breath caught.

Every time Alexei watched her she felt that same drag of muscles, the quickening, the eagerness. The sensations grew stronger with each day they spent together.

Henri and Marie hadn’t returned, their boat damaged in the storm, which had hit the main island badly. They could have returned by Alexei’s helicopter but it was busy on relief work and Alexei and Mina were more than able to look after themselves while the others waited for repairs.

‘When you invited me out on your boat I’d pictured a massive cruiser. But this suits you better.’ Her gaze drifted over his open shirt, cotton shorts and strongly muscled legs. Her pulse revved pleasantly.

Alexei shrugged, his expression wickedly knowing. ‘I prefer something a little laid-back unless I have to entertain for business.’

‘I can relate to that.’ Mina extended one bare leg and wriggled her toes in the sunshine. How fabulous to be free of the formal clothes appropriate to the royal court. That was something she hadn’t missed in France.

‘You don’t like dressing up?’

‘I prefer comfort.’ Carissa’s clothes might not be her style, but at least they included shorts and summer skirts rather than evening gowns and high heels.

Alexei reached out and stroked his finger across the arch of her foot, then up to her ankle and calf.

Mina shivered. His touch evoked a memory of his loving. It had been days now and abstinence was tough, tougher than she’d imagined.

‘I can imagine you in some glamorous outfit. You’d look spectacular.’

Mina smiled. The deep timbre of his voice told her he meant every word. ‘Why, thank you. I’m sure you clean up pretty well too.’ He’d look stunning in formal clothes. Her insides clenched just thinking about it.

She hesitated on the brink of suggesting they go out one night in the future, he in a tuxedo, she in something slinky and feminine. Except that would mean a date and that was impossible. Once the truth came out Mina wouldn’t see him again.

A sudden tightness in her chest stole her breath.

This interlude was a snatched moment out of their real lives. Neither were interested in long-term relationships. Mina had a career to build. She couldn’t afford distractions. And Alexei...

‘What are you thinking?’

Mina became aware of Alexei’s hand, warm on her knee, of his quizzical stare fixed on her face. Regret pierced her. She wanted what they shared to last longer than a few days.

Underlying regret was surprise that Alexei understood her well enough to read her expression. Mina had spent years keeping her emotions private. She was an expert. Discovering a man who saw beyond her projected calm and sensed her disquiet should make her feel vulnerable. Yet Mina felt a thrill of excitement that Alexei was so attuned to her emotions. As if she mattered.