Those amazing turquoise eyes held hers and Ilsa felt a moment’s surprise at how inevitable, how right this felt.

‘Yes. Please.’


ILSAWASCONSCIOUSof the stir they made, leaving the crowded party, and was pleased Noah didn’t stop to exchange greetings with the people eager to catch their attention.

She was grateful for the clasp of his hand. His touch reassured as a flurry of nerves hit out of nowhere.

Going back to a man’s place, any man’s place, toget to know him better, was uncharted territory. Yet walking beside him felt nothing but right. She was aware of his easy stride, curtailed, she was sure, to cater for her shorter steps, the brush of his sleeve against her bare arm and the heat of his tall frame.

As they left the building she caught sight of a familiar bull-necked figure and implacable face. The guard her father had sent after her.

No doubt before the night was out her father would hear where she’d gone and with whom.

‘Are you okay?’ Noah stopped, turning to face her. ‘Have you changed your mind?’

The tilt of his head spoke of concern, even if his grasp of her fingers spoke of urgency. Ilsa liked that he’d noticed her momentary distraction and asked that all-important question.

She leaned close, breathing in the deep, aromatic notes of his male scent. ‘I’m good. I haven’t changed my mind.’

White teeth gleamed against his tan as he grinned and Ilsa had trouble catching her breath. The man was hot, sexyandcaring.

‘Excellent. It’s not far.’

Not farturned out to be at the far end of the marina.

Instead of a towering, ostentatious super cruiser, Noah’s was a classic vintage yacht, all beautiful lines in sleek white and teak and large enough to have been used for round-the-world royal cruises.

‘Your yacht’s beautiful.’

Ilsa paused to take it in. You could tell a lot about a man from how he spent his money. If she read Noah right, he appreciated fine craftsmanship and quality as well as luxury. She knew wealthy men devoted to outdoing their rivals with the biggest, flashiest cruiser, jet or car. Noah clearly didn’t feel the need to prove himself that way.

Another knot inside her frayed and disintegrated. Surely a man who took the time to appreciate substance and quality was the sort who’d take time to ensure they both enjoyed tonight to the full? A patient man.

It was the closest she’d come to feeling nervous about what was going to happen between them.

‘She’s not new. But I’m a firm believer in recycling.’

Was that an edge to his voice? She couldn’t read his expression from his profile.

‘New isn’t always better,’ Ilsa replied. ‘Besides, she’s got character.’ Even Ilsa, who was no expert on yachts, saw that.

He swung round, his eyes meeting hers, and Ilsa had the impression she’d surprised him. He lifted their linked hands and brushed a kiss across her knuckles.

Desire hit her like a wave, crashing through her and eddying into every part of her body.

‘Shall we?’ he murmured.

Her smile threatened to undo him. It was full of delight and anticipation, making his own expectations ratchet up to impossible levels.

Noah told himself he was doomed to disappointment. Reality couldn’t live up to the incredible build-up.

Nevertheless, he wanted to rush her aboard. He had to remind himself not to jump her the moment their feet hit the deck. They had all night and he’d take his time. Especially as, despite her smile, those smoky blue eyes held a hint of trepidation.

Could it be that Ilsa, the confident, poised Princess with the world at her feet, was nervous?

‘Just a second.’