She slipped her hand from his and immediately he felt the loss, his fingers clenching into a fist.
When was the last time he’d held hands with a woman? With Ilsa it felt as natural as breathing.
She bent to take off her shoes then straightened, dangling the sexy stilettos from her fingers. ‘They’re not good for the deck, are they?’
Noah captured her hand and led her forward. Right now he didn’t give a damn about pockmarks on the wood. But he liked her thoughtfulness.
Once aboard he paused, remembering his resolve to take his time. Maybe he’d imagined her momentary nerves, but a slight delay would only make the final consummation more delicious.
Instead of taking her straight to the master suite he led her to the spacious lounge. A few lamps were on, bathing the room in an intimate golden glow.
‘What’s your favourite drink?’ he asked.
‘Cherry juice,’ she said instantly, then looked as surprised as he felt. Quickly she turned to survey the room, making him wonder if she was covering embarrassment. ‘Altbourg is renowned for its cherries so it’s a staple for pies, strudels—’
‘And juice.’
She nodded. ‘But I know you’re unlikely to have it. Apple juice would be good, thanks. Or sparkling water.’
Noah had expected her to ask for champagne or some exotic cocktail. Was he in danger of typecasting? Bitter experience had taught him socialites were predictable.
Reluctantly he released her hand and went to the bar, his body already tight with arousal.
‘You’re right, no cherry juice. But we’ve got sparkling water.’
When he’d poured them both glasses he turned to find her standing where he’d left her. The only difference was that her shoes were placed neatly on the floor and she held one hand across her abdomen. It fell to her side as he offered her a glass. Was that another hint of nervousness? Surely that was unlikely.
‘Is it too cool for you outside? The view’s good.’
Because if they stayed in here he wouldn’t be able to resist sitting beside her on the lounge. Within two minutes his hand would be up that short skirt and the other hauling down her zip, even though he’d promised himself he’d give her a little time to adjust.
Hard and urgent would be fantastic, but he wanted a second, third and fourth time with Ilsa. Which meant curbing his lust to give at least the impression that he was a civilised man.
‘Outside is fine.’ She took a sip from her glass. ‘If I get cold I’ll let you know.’
Then he could warm her, preferably with full body to body contact. Noah repressed a sigh.Soon...
They sat looking across the harbour at the lights of the city. The sound of the yacht club party floated across the water but here in the velvety darkness, sheltered from prying eyes, it felt like they were cocooned in another world. The same feeling had hit him yesterday when their gazes had locked across the room. And again tonight.
He shook off the fantasy and turned to the woman beside him.
‘We don’t know each other except for this.’ Noah reached out and her soft hand slid unhesitatingly into his. Instantly his body responded, relaxing as if in relief at the same time as his flesh pulled tight in arousal. He swallowed, surprised all over again at the potency of this awareness. ‘I suggest we take a little time to...explore each other.’
That didn’t come out the way he’d intended, but his brain was being hijacked by a hormonal flood. Thinking of anything but sex took effort. Yet he sensed the need to take time with Ilsa. She was eager yet surprisingly diffident. He was determined not to scare her off.
‘You want to know about me?’ Was she surprised?
‘And vice versa.’
She hesitated. ‘How about twenty questions? We each take turns answering.’
Noah stroked his thumb across her wrist and felt her pulse leap. His own hammered like a piston, just from being so close to her. ‘Not twenty.’ He didn’t have that much patience. ‘Let’s leave some for later.’
Her soft chuckle was a caress, teasing his senses.
Was there anything he didn’t like about her?
Despite his caution around women who saw themselves as a cut above the rest of society, Ilsa kept surprising him.