Or maybe she’s been so unhappy for so long that I never knew what she’s like when she’s happy, and happiness and love are turning her into a new person.

“I hope things work out for you,” I say sincerely.

“Thank you. I know you’ll shine at college. You’re such an inspiration!”

I’m taken aback. “What are you talking about?”

“You pushed and pushed and pushed for me to come to Europe. I thought you were insane, honestly.”

“Geez, thanks,” I say dryly.

“But you were right. I am stronger than I realized. I really don’t need your father. Now, I wouldn’t go back and change a single thing because you and your brother are both amazing. I hope that, one day, things will settle down, and you two can visit me here.”

“And maybe meet your boyfriend?” I tease.

“Yes,” she murmurs.

“Now, Mom, I don’t want you to get married without Kyle and me meeting him first.”

“You want to vet him?” She laughs. “Trust me. You’ll love him. He treats me like a queen.”

“Good. You deserve that.”

“Thank you, darling. Now, I should get going. I don’t want to keep him waiting!”

“Wait, Mom? What does Declan do while you’re—”

But she’s already hung up.

Well, that was interesting. I’m glad she’s happy, but I don’t want her to rush into things. He’s been with one man for so long, and then he turned into a raging asshole.

* * *

As soon as I go to my room and change into better clothes more suitable for a job interview, I call up Robyn.

“Just checking in,” I say.

“Yeah… Derrick won’t stop hounding me. He’s starting to worry me.”

I grit my teeth. “Talk to campus police.”

“I don’t want it to get to that point.”

“And I don’t want it to get to the point that they need to get a certain kit.”

“He wouldn’t,” she protests.

“Forcing a kiss is just the first step,” I say.

“I don’t like how you think.”

“With the state of the world today, it’s how we all have to think.”

“You’re right.” She sighs. “I just…”

“You’re afraid they’ll talk to your father?” I guess.
