After dessert—Robynhas a sweet tooth, and she always has chocolate around—Robyn asks if I want to have a chocolate martini. She said she’s been trying her hand at making new drinks because she’s thinking about maybe getting a job as a bartender.

“It’ll freak my dad out for sure,” she says with a grin.

“That sounds amazing, but another time.”

She lifts her eyebrows.

“I’ve been drinking a lot lately.”

“Oh, shit. I’ve been going on and on about me and my issues. Your turn. Spill.”

“I don’t really want to get into it.”

“That’s fine. I can accept being told no, but if you change your mind…” She holds out her hands. “Do you care if I make myself one?”

“A martini? Go for it.”

She heads over to her closet and turns around, holding a martini glass. "Plastic. No way am I going to drink martinis in a glass one. I'm liable to drop it."

“Not even when you’re old and married?”

“Not even then.” She laughs.

I grin, happy that she seems to be feeling a bit better. Telling her about Erika and her guys seemed to help.

And I think it might’ve helped me too.

“I’m going to see if I can help another friend,” I tell Robyn. “If you’re okay.”

“I’m okay, and go ahead. I can’t monopolize all of your time.” She hugs me tight and kisses my cheek. “Love you, girl.”

I laugh. “Love ya too.”

I leave and start to walk toward Rob’s. If he’s not there, then I’m going back to my place. No way am I hanging out with any of his friends.

Halfway there, I spy Rob, and there’s no question that he’s walking toward me.

“Hey,” he says.

"Hey. I… I am going to ramble now, okay? Just warning you." I exhale. "I like you. I really do. I'm sorry if I… No. I'm sorry I have been acting so weird lately. Things have been going on with my father. My mom is in Europe to try to get away from him, and we were afraid that he had found her, and it was a huge mess, but it's all right now. I think. As far as my mom goes, at least, but he showed up on campus, and he tried to get me to tell him where she is. I couldn't tell him her address. I don't know that, but I could find out. I won't. Not for him, and she might be safer without my knowing either, but… ah… My father is not a good man, and I don't want anything to do with him, and I also don't want to risk becoming like him in any fashion whatsoever. My brother's convinced that my father cheated on my mom, and when I confronted my father about it, he said that she cheated on him, and I doubt that. My mom isn't the kind of person to do something like that, but I don't know. Maybe neither of them is who I thought they were, but my point is… You can trust me. I won't do anything that will make you question me. I won't ever cheat on you, if we can get through this rough patch. I know we haven't been together long at all, that maybe you just want to cut your losses now, but if you give me a chance… I like to think you won't be disappointed."

Rob stares at me with an unreadable expression. Then, he sighs and runs a hand through his hair. “You should ask me about that text I sent the guys.”

“I asked Zac,” I say carefully. “He refused to tell me.”

“I asked them to back off on you. To not flirt with you. That they could be friends with you but hands off.”

“Zac… turned sour on me a bit after receiving the text,” I admit.

"Yeah, I'm sorry. He was pissed at me for not trusting him, or you for that matter. It was me. Not you. You didn't deserve that. Any of it. I swear I wasn't trying to test you or any bullshit like that. I don't want to play games."

“What do you want?”

Rob levels me a look and then slowly gives me his lopsided smile. “That’s not the right question.”
