“I made my bed. Now, I have to lie in it, and no, it’s not fun, but I’m gonna put on my big girl panties. I knew I was playing with fire, and I’m going to do my best not to get burned, but if I do, that’s my own damn fault.”

“What can I do?” I ask.

Robyn flops onto her bed. “Help me eat all of this food?”

“Sure thing.” I grab two paper plates and start to open up the containers.

“Hey, Katie?”


“Thanks for not judging me.”

“Girl, I got your back,” I assure her. “Give me a sec.”

I grab my phone and text Erika.

A really good friend is dealing with some boy trouble. Do you mind if I tell her about you and your guys? Believe me, she won’t judge you, and I think it might help her to know love can come in all kinds of forms.

Robyn and I eat, and she’s far more subdued than normal. We’re about to open up our fortune cookies when my phone vibrates.

Sure. Go ahead. Any friend of yours is a friend of mine.

I grin. “Robyn, let me tell you a little bit about my friend of mine and her love life…”