I haveto work the next night, but the night after, Allie has me come over to see the club. Killer Moves. Honestly, I think it’s a very fitting name for a bar and club for a motorcycle club called the Grim Reapers.

She picks me up, and we ride over on her bike. The façade is beautiful. The stones are painted either black or white, and when she opens the door, somehow, a skull appears that hadn't been there a second ago.

The music from upstairs is loud. It’s a good beat that has me tapping my foot and reminding me of the time Ace and I went clubbing. He didn’t take me here, and I wonder why. Why have the guys seem to keep me entirely separate from their motorcycle club lives? Maybe it’s just because I’m not in the club with them. Besides, it’s not like I’ve told them that I’m planning on joining. Maybe I should keep it a surprise.

“Come on in,” Allie says, tugging on my arm and laughing. “You don’t have to linger by the door. “All right. See behind the bar? That’s Chance Turner. A good guy, but don’t play poker with him. He also tends to make his drinks hella strong, and he prefers it if you let him concoct whatever it is that he wants you to drink versus you choosing your drink.”

“I don’t have to worry about that,” I protest.

Allie shrugs. “Suit yourself, but you can have what you want here.”

I hesitate. “The cops don’t come inside?”

“Nope. We don’t let just anyone here. No fights, none of that.”

"You can't just survive on club dues and the club members coming here," I protest.

“You’ll find outsiders in here, sure, but we’ve been around long enough that we know who to accept and who to send on their merry way. We reserve the right not to serve anyone we don’t want to. The last thing we want is for the police to start looking our way. Not that we’re doing anything illegal or anything,” she rushes to add.

“You just said that Chance would serve me alcohol underage.”

“If you become a member.”

“Not if. When.”

“That’s up to the president, remember?”

“What’s his name, by the way? You never told me.”

“Jovan Bocchino, but everyone calls him Bull.”

“Any tips for getting him to like me?”

She laughs. “Don’t be so uptight. I’m not going to take you to meet him today. Just relax and be yourself. You’re here to get a feel for the place. Walk around. Introduce yourself to people, or if you want, come and find me, and I’ll introduce you around. If anyone gives you a hard time, tell ‘em I brought you here.”

“You’re ditching me already? Wow. And here I thought we were friends.”

“We are friends, but if you want to survive in this world, you’re going to learn how to swim first. We’ll make sure you don’t drown once you’re one of us, but you have to pull your own weight first.”

“I get it. Don’t worry. I can handle myself.”

“Good. For the most part, everyone on the right side of the bar are outsiders. Over to the left are the Grim Reapers. Despite our name, we don’t kill.” She grins broadly.

“Well, thank God for that,” I mutter.

“You’ll be fine,” she assures me, and I realize she keeps glancing over at one guy in particular. He boyfriend. Ah, so that’s another reason for her to ditch me.

"Go ahead," I tell her but then tap her arm. "Wait. You mentioned Leo the other day…"

"Leo's in charge of the bar. He'll be the one I have to sugar talk to get your friend a job here."

“Is he here? I can talk to him about Robyn.”

“Leave Leo to me. He can be a real lion at times.”

“Ah. So Leo isn’t his real name.”