"Left," I correct. "You left her. You didn't abandon her. If anything, she abandoned you when she chose to do drugs over raising her son."

He lightly punches me on the chin. “You always like to paint a rosier picture than things really are.”

“You’re the one who is all dark and twisty inside, and you don’t want to change.”

“Maybe. I don’t know, but I do know I’m hungry. You pick the place.”

“How about the diner?”


“I’d like to have a nice memory of the place with you to replace the last time we went.”

Rob's grin slowly spreads across his face. "I would like the opportunity to do that for you. Honestly, I'm not sure I could go back there without you."

“You need me to save you, huh?” I smirk.

“I need you to save face, yeah.”

“Oh, there’s no saving that face of yours.”

He laughs.

“Yeah, yeah. More like no one is safe from that face of yours, but let’s go.”

“You handling the handlebar?” he asks.

“Not ready for that yet.”

“No problem. If you aren’t ready, you aren’t ready.”

We head on over to the diner, and we have a great time. Once we return to campus, we walk around for about a half hour, just talking and trying to burn off some of the calories we just consumed because we each had a huge slice of cake for dessert.

Then he walks me to my dorm but not to my room, where we say goodbye. We spent the afternoon and evening together, but we didn't have sex, and honestly, that's so refreshing, even though I am horny. How can I not be? I'm always horny around him.