“Hang on, Rook.” Falling to my knees at his side, I place my hand on his head. I can tell he tries to calm down. Some of his thrashing stops, and he whines at me. He’s been shot twice, and blood is pouring from the wounds. I reach for my dagger. I have no idea how I’m going to do this, but I have to get those bullets out of him, or he’s going to die. I suck in a deep breath, and just before I stick my blade into one of the wounds, Nick falls to my side. “You okay?” he asks, eyeing the blood splattered on me.

“Me?” I cry. “What about you?”

He’s sweating, and his chest is still riddled with bleeding bullet holes. I know he’s a dragon mythic, and that he’s tough and doesn’t have the reaction to silver that Rook does. But still.

“I’m fine,” he grunts. He looks down at Rook and takes the blade from my hand. “We have to get the bullets out of him. Hold him down, Nora. This is going to hurt.”

Another loud roar shakes the club. “Is Terrance okay?”

“He’s lost to his rage, and guarding Wulf. We’ll deal with him in a minute.”

I wrap my arms around Rook’s neck and hold him down. “Is Wulf…” I can’t ask.

“He’s alive,” Nick murmurs, and digs my small blade into the hole in Rook’s chest.

Rook howls and thrashes. I have to sink all of my weight onto him to keep him from getting up. “Just a minute, friend,” Nick says with a grunt. “Almost…got it!”

He drops a small, silver bullet to the floor and goes straight to work on the next one. “Just the two of them?” he asks me.

I nod. “I’m pretty sure he was only shot twice.”

“Hold your hands over that wound. Try to stop the bleeding. It’ll heal now, but it’ll take a minute.”

I push my hands against Rook’s chest. Warm liquid flows over my fingers. So much blood. Tears well in my eyes at the sound of his pained whimper. “Hang on, Rook. It’s almost over.”

He whines again, and then he stiffens and let’s out a startled yelp. I can’t stand the pain he’s in. I lean forward and kiss his snout. “Listen to me, to my voice. Nick’s almost done. You’ll be fine.”

“Got it.”

Immediately, Rook relaxes and his body goes limp beneath me. He lets out a breath and closes his eyes.

Nick, hands pressed against Rook’s other wound, gives me a small smile. “You make an excellent nurse.”

I let out a strangled bark of laughter. “I really wish I didn’t have to.” I’ve spent too much time in life or death situations lately. I’m getting used to it. “He’ll be okay now?”

Nick nods. “It’ll take him a little longer to heal than normal, but he’ll be all right.”

“And Wulf’s okay?”

Nick nods. “He got lucky. The bullet barely missed his heart, and Terrance got to him quickly. What about you? You’re not hurt at all?”

“Me?Nick, you were shot. A lot! Your whole chest is riddled with bullets right now.”

“Not gold.”

“So? That can’t feel good.”

I know it hurts because he’s still sweating.

“I’ll be fine.”

Stubborn man. “I know you’ll be fine. What do we do to help you feel better faster?”

He sighs. “I need to shift. The bullets will dissolve, and the wounds will heal with the shift.”

“Then shift!”

He quirks an eyebrow at me, then looks around the room and up at the ceiling. The dance hall is a pretty big room, but, then again, Nick’s an awfully big dragon. I give him a sheepish smile. “Okay, maybe go out to the parking lot first.”