“I will, when he stops bleeding.”

As we sit there, putting pressure on Rook’s wounds, Nick looks over at the staked vampire. “I’m sorry I took so long to get to you.”

I snort. “It was barely a minute, and you have a chest full of silver. Besides, I managed well enough.”

I can’t help feeling a little proud. I’m getting a lot less useless. I’m still taking Rook’s self-defense classes, and Illren has been giving me weapons training, too. I’m no expert, but I’ve come a long way from that frightened, helpless woman who got kidnapped by her human neighbor.

Nick eyes the vampire again and chuckles. “You sure did, partner. Nice aim.”

I grin. “Good thing. I’m being trained by the Winter Queen’s former assassin. He’d jump all over my ass if I’d missed. He’s not exactly a merciful teacher.”

Nick throws his head back and laughs, but then he groans and coughs up a bit of blood. That wipes the smile from my face. “Nick. Go outside and shift right now.”

“I’m not leaving you alone with an unconscious wolf.”

I roll my eyes. “So leave us with the raging troll. He’ll keep us safe.”

Nick smirks. “Only you would ever say you’re safe with a raging troll.”

I crack another smile and shrug casually. “I’m probably the only person who is.”

“Very true, little spitfire.” Nick scoops up Rook’s wolf into his arms and carries him across the club toward Terrance and Wulf. His slow pace and a slight wince is the only indication that he’s hurt. Nick really is an incredible creature.

Nick approaches Terrance slowly. Terrance roars, standing over Wulf’s unconscious body, and Nick stops. “Easy, Terrance,” Nick murmurs.

Terrance roars again, so I quickly step between him and Nick. “Hey, T-man,” I say gently. “It’s me. Nora.”

Terrance’s all-black eyes turn my direction. I take a small, slow step toward him. He stiffens, but he doesn’t roar. “Nick’s just going to lay Rook down, okay? He’s hurt, and he needs to go outside to heal himself.”

I step closer as I talk until I can touch him. I place my hand on his forearm. He shocks me by scooping me into his arms and cradling me possessively like I’m a prized toy. I pat his chest but don’t ask him to set me down. I know he needs this right now. “I’m okay, Terrance. I promise.”

He ducks his head and inhales my scent. His chest rumbles with displeasure. I know what’s got him upset. “It’s not my blood. I’m okay. Not hurt at all. And I’m safe now. The shooter is dead. I killed him.”

This earns me a grunt. I take it as a compliment.

“Doing great Nora, just keep talking to him,” Nick says, slowly setting Rook down a good ten feet from us, careful to not make any sudden movements. “You’re probably one of the only people who could talk him down right now. Wulf is his best friend.”

Nick looks hesitant to leave me, so I wave him off. “I’ve got this, partner. Go heal yourself and call the others. Also, I hate to say this, but you might want to call Henry. He’s going to be pissed that one of his vampires attacked me.”

Nick winces. “We’ll call Parker and Director West first. Let them inform Henry after we get you out of here.”