Change of subject! He’s throwing me a life preserver. I can almost forgive him for being a possessive brute. “Yes!” I jump on the topic. “We still need to figure out who will be attacking with Axel. I didn’t get any idea about numbers or what kind of outside help he plans to use.
“From the way Evan made it sound, I’d bet most of his pack doesn’t have a clue what’s going on. It sounds like they all fear him. Maybe we could tell Evan what Axel is planning and have him sniff around for us. He said I could ask him for anything since I saved his life. And the way he hates Axel, he’d probably love to help us. He could probably rally half his pack to take our side in the fight.”
All three men exchange meaningful looks. “That could work,” Toth agrees. “If we let Axel’s wolves—the ones who aren’t loyal to him—know what’s going on, and we offer them clemency if they fight for us when the battle comes, we could trick Axel into thinking he’s got the numbers he needs and then surprise him when his own forces turn on him.”
“Evan would have to be very subtle, though,” Nick says. “We can’t tip Axel off at all. We don’t know what kind of outside forces he’ll have or how many of his wolves are loyal to him. We’ll need surprise on our side.”
“Evan can handle it,” Rook says. “I used to be pretty close to him before Lilly died. I know him well. He’s a very intelligent wolf who cares a great deal for his pack. He’ll know who the loyalists are, and he’ll be willing to help.”
“You’re sure?” Alpha Toth asks. His brow is creased with anxiety.
Rook nods, and so do I. “I’m positive Evan will be on our side,” I say.
The men grow quiet again, thinking about the upcoming battle. After a minute, Nick shakes his head. “There are still too many unknown factors. You’ll want to be ready for the attack. You’ll need to know the time and place, if you want to ensure the least amount of casualties.”
My brain trips on the wordcasualties. I know we’re talking about a hostile takeover, and I know they’re talking about a fight, but I guess I didn’t think it would be a fight to the death—except for maybe Axel and Jeffrey. My stomach churns at the idea of Alpha Toth, Rook, and Evan fighting for their lives. And if this involves the whole pack, how many other innocent people could be caught up in it?
Rook startles me from my worries when he blurts out, “A mating ceremony!”
All eyes turn to him. “We want to control the time and place, and we sure as hell don’t want to give Axel until Christmas to solidify his plans and gather his allies, so we force his hand.”
Alpha Toth’s eyes light up with an eager gleam. “He doesn’t want the two of you to be mated.”
“Exactly,” Rook says.
All three men turn their excited gazes on me. My stomach rolls. I know exactly what they’re thinking, and I don’t like it. “You’re the one who told us everyone’s already thinking it,” Nick says when I start to shake my head.
“Yeah, but that doesn’t mean I—”
I yelp, startled, when Rook’s hand slips into mine. “We won’t really have to go through with it.”
He says that, but his thoughts beg to differ. His wolf really likes the idea. I can feel his longing. I can also feel Rook’s conflict. He knows I don’t want to, but he’s starting to like the idea as much as his wolf. He doesn’t want to be alone anymore, and he knows he can’t ignore his wolf’s instincts forever. He’s getting tired of fighting it, and he thinks I’d be a good mate. He thinks I’m beautiful, I’m dominant, and he enjoys my company.
I tear my hand away from Rook’s, not wanting to hear any more. He flinches at my rejection, but soon realizes I’ve been listening to his thoughts. He smiles sheepishly and shrugs. “All we have to do is fake it long enough. Axel will never let it happen. He’ll attack before the ceremony can take place.”
“Make it soon enough, and he’ll be forced to attack at the actual ceremony,” Toth says. “When the whole pack is together and has their guard down? It’ll be too tempting.”
Once again, all three men look at me, waiting for an answer. Nick smirks. “Come on, little spitfire. Don’t wuss out on us now.”
He has a point. There’s really nothing to be afraid of. I won’t really be mating with anyone. It’s just a ploy. And it’ll help Alpha Toth’s pack so much. Both he and Rook are staring at me with such pleading, hopeful expressions. How can I refuse? “All right.” I sigh. “Let’s do it.”
Alpha Toth lets out a huge breath of relief and takes my hands in his. “Once again, I owe you everything. My pack will forever be in your debt, Ms. Jacobs. Anything you need. Ever. If we can help, we will. We are your allies—your friends—for life.”
I wait out his handshake and force an awkward smile. At least he didn’t try to hug me. “Thanks. I’ll remember that.”
“We should get back out there,” Nick says. “We don’t want Axel to think we’re plotting something, and no doubt the guest of honor is already being missed.”
I groan. This has been such a nice break. “All right, back to the stupid party.”
All three men chuckle as we head for the door. Before I can exit the room, Rook pulls me close to his side. “Showtime.” He slides me a sideways glance and a crooked smile. “You ready?”
“You look a littletooready,” I say flatly. “You do understand that this is fake, right?”
He shocks me then, by grinning and letting his wolf surface. His eyes start to glow faintly, and he growls a low, rumbly purr that makes the hair on my arms and neck stand up. My heart speeds up when he locks his eyes on mine. His smile turns predatory. He leans in, takes a deep breath, and nuzzles his cheek against mine. “I consider it a delicious challenge,” he whispers. His lips brush my ear, sending a violent shiver down my spine.
Seeing my reaction, his smile turns smug, and he tangles my fingers in his. “I have a week to convince you,” he murmurs, dragging me back down the stairs into the crowd.
We make our way to the bar, where Parker and Oliver are still talking to Wulf and, no doubt, waiting for me. Panic seizes my chest when all three men’s eyes fall to my hand in Rook’s. “Rook,” I whisper so softly I can barely hear myself. “What about Oliver and Parker? And Terrance?”