A soft growl escapes him, and his grip on my hand tightens ever so slightly. “What about them?”

I elbow him. “We have to let them know what’s going on.”

He lets go of my hand and slides his arm low around my waist, pulling me tightly against his side. “I think they can see just fine what’s going on.”


If he’s going to act like such a possessive ass, I’m not going to go through with this crazy plan. It would devastate both Parker and Oliver, and I refuse to do that. I care too much about both of them.

As if he can read my mind—or maybe he just senses my rage—Nick murmurs, “I’ll talk to them, Nora. I’m sure they’ll understand.”

“Talk to who? Understand what?” a smug voice chirps from behind us. We all turn to see Jeffrey. His smile is more of a sneer. He zeroes in on Alpha Toth. “You all were gone for quite a while. Pack meeting I missed? Something I should know about?”

“Actually, there is.” Alpha Toth puffs out his chest proudly. “Nora has agreed to a mate pairing with Rook.”

Both Oliver and Parker both gasp. I can’t meet their gazes. If I do, I’ll give myself away, and Jeffery is standing right here, gaping at Rook and me. We need him to believe us. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Parker step toward us, but Nick grabs his arm, holding him back.

“You’re taking another mate?” Jeffrey blurts, blinking wide-eyed. Before Rook can answer, he turns his stupefied gaze on me. “You’ve agreed to be turned?”

I can’t find my voice. Rook, however, has no such problem. “My wolf didn’t really leave us much choice. He’s already claimed Nora.”

“Nora, you don’t have to do this,” Parker says. It looks like Nick is really holding him back now. I hate seeing the worry on his face.

Oliver’s expression is even worse, because mixed in with the worry and heartbreak there’s also a loving smile. “Are you sure?” he asks.

For some reason, I want to cry. It’s all fake, but I’m hurting him. Hurting them both. I need Jeffrey to leave so I can explain it to them. “Do you trust me?” I ask. I direct the question at Oliver, but glance at Parker, too.

Parker’s eyes are pleading, begging me not to do this. I can’t look away from his stare until Oliver whispers in a small voice, “Yes. I trust you.”

My heart hurts. Oliver has so much faith in me. He’s so loyal. Though he’s never told me he loves me out loud, he’s thought it before, and it’s plain as day on his face. What’s surprising is that I feel the same way. Oliver’s found his way past my walls and into my heart so much that I don’t think I could ever live without him.

I meet his gaze again and try to convey how much I love him and am grateful for him. “Then trust me, okay?” My voice is soft and pleading. I have to choose my words carefully, because I’m trying to convince Jeffrey, and, as a wolf, he can sniff out any lies I tell. “This is the right thing for me to do,” I say. “I’m sure of it.”

Truth. Helping Alpha Toth is absolutely the right thing to do.

Oliver studies me for a moment and then slowly nods, accepting my decision. “I just want you to be happy. If Rook is the man who does that, then I’m happy for you.”

My eyes start to burn. He’s going to make me cry. “Thanks, Ollie.”

Parker still hasn’t said anything. His jaw is clenched tight, and his hands are fisted at his side. My heart does another somersault in my chest. For all that I love Oliver, I care about Parker, too, and this is hurting him. When he meets my gaze, there is fear in his eyes. Fear of losing me. There’s also need. The man gave up his clan for me. “You don’t have to do this, Nora. Just because his wolf has claimed you doesn’t mean you have to accept him.”

Rook growls and earns himself a nasty glare from Parker. “Are you really so selfish?” Parker asks. “You know Nora isn’t ready for a commitment this big. Would you really push her into something she’s not ready for? Ask her to give up her humanity?”

“Parker.” I say his name so softly his eyes snap to me. He takes one look at me and deflates. I offer him a smile. “Thank you for looking out for me, but he’s not making me do anything. I promise.”

“You really want to become a wolf?” Jeffrey asks.

I have to stop myself from glaring at him. I don’t like the way he’s looking at me. He’s too eager. I don’t know how to answer his question without lying. Thankfully, Rook steps in. “My wolf has accepted her as she is now, so there is no need for Nora to jump into such an important decision without taking as much time as she needs to consider it.”

Jeffrey’s eyes bulge, and he looks at Alpha Toth. “And you’re okay with this? With Rook mating a human?”

Alpha Toth places a hand on Jeffrey’s shoulder and gives him a placating smile. “Rook is my dearest friend. He deserves his happiness. And I’m hoping that, given a little more time to think about it, Nora will choose to be turned and join our pack.”

I notice Alpha Toth didn’t directly answer Jeffrey’s question, either, but I am a little surprised that he said he hopes I join them. It can’t be a lie. I’m touched that he thinks so highly of me.

Jeffrey seems to be waiting for me to say something, so I return Alpha Toth’s smile and say, “Like you said. That’s an important decision. But I thank you for the offer, and am glad that you find me worthy of joining your pack.”

Jeffrey gapes at the three of us. His eyes dart back and forth in a frenzied sort of panic. They quickly still and narrow in a calculating way. He pulls his shoulders back and gives us a smarmy smile. “So when’s the big day, then?”