I laugh to myself and stay on task. “Okay, not her, then. I don’t know if it was last night,” I say, so low both men have to lean in close, “but it was dark, and I never pick up clues more than two or three days in the past. Ever. So…sometime in the last couple nights, a man snuck into this office. It was dark. Everyone was gone. Place was empty. He had a key, but this guy was really nervous. Sweating, twitching, shifty eyes…the whole bit.”

“What did he look like?” Alpha Toth demanded, getting angry.

I place a finger to my lips, reminding him to be quiet. I look over my shoulder to make sure no one is coming down the hall, and both men seem to remember we’re currently sneaking. “He was tallish, had a bit of muscle. Kind of cute. Brown hair, brown eyes.”

Rook sighs. “Well, you just described half the pack.”

I shrug. “I could point him out on sight.” Both men perk up again. “But first, I need to get into that office. We don’t know what our guy was doing in there. We don’t know if he’s the man you’re looking for.”

I wait for Alpha Toth and Rook to make a decision. I’m not sure what they’re debating, until Rook says, “I could pull the fire alarm.”

“No, I think we can be more subtle,” Alpha Toth says, staring at the door. “I have something I could discuss with her. I’ll call her into my office.” He looks at me. “Will ten minutes be enough?”

I shrug. “It should, but I can’t be certain once I get sucked in how long it’ll take to come out again.”

“We’ll come knock on your door when we’re done,” Rook says to Alpha Toth. “Stall, if you need to.”

Alpha Toth nods my direction. “Work quickly, Miss Jacobs.”

I’m a little surprised he’s giving me the trust to snoop. “As fast as I can,” I assure him.

Rook and I back down the hall and duck out of sight to wait for the accountant to leave her office.

“So, you see visions?” Rook asks as he peeks around the corner.

“Sort of. I call them psychic imprints, but it’s basically glimpses of the past, yes.”

“That’s got to be convenient.”

I shake my head. “Not always. I can’t control when I pick up an imprint, and I can’t help what I see. I can’t always pull myself out of the visions, either. The stronger the imprint, the more I’m stuck waiting until it’s over, and the sicker it makes me.”

Down the hall, a door opens and closes. When we hear a knock on another door, Rook peeks around the corner again. “Come on. Time to do your thing.”

I shake my head, chuckling as Rook lets me into the office. The room is tiny compared to Alpha Toth’s office, and overcrowded with filing cabinets along the back wall. It has a small desk crammed into one corner, but at least it’s neat. Toth’s accountant is meticulously organized. I swipe my hand across the filing cabinets on my way to the desk and immediately get pulled into a really strong vision. I groan as I settle in to watch Ms. Accountant get banged up against her filing cabinets.

My knees buckle when the vision ends, letting me get back to reality. Rook catches me and helps me sit in the desk chair. I lean over, moaning lightly and willing myself not to puke.

“What’d you see?”

“A lot more than I’d have liked to.” He waits for me to expand. “Let’s just say you aren’t the only one who’s noticed Ms. Thang’s voluptuous curves.”

Rook rears his head back, blinking at me in disbelief. “Holly’s getting it on in her office?Up against the filing cabinets?” He eyes the cabinets in question with newfound respect. “Whoa. That’s hot.”

I snort. “Not really. What was that? Four minutes total? Five? She totally faked it. I hope her lover is better between the sheets.”

Rook moves to sit on the edge of Holly’s desk, smirking. “So, you get sex visions?”

I roll my eyes. Of course he’d focus on that. “Unfortunately, those are what I get most. Imprints are like emotional residue. The higher the emotions flying, the stronger the imprint. I try to get out of them, but again, the stronger the imprint the more I get stuck.”

“Oh, come on, you don’t like it at least a little?”

“No,” I say flatly. “Now shut up, and let me work.”

Rook frowns, but he moves off the desk and goes to stand silently against the office door. I look around and figure my best bet is the computer.Mouse and keyboard, it is.Moving one hand over each, I instantly know I’ve found what I’m looking for.

Mr. Slim Shady’s hands shake as he slides the mouse over the pad. He clicks on a locked file. When it asks for a password, he unfurls a small paper and types in a long,complicated password. It seems to pull up a list of bank accounts. He clicks the first one on the list and transfers one hundred dollars from that account into one that was also written on his paper. Once the transfer is complete, he continues to go down the list of accounts, doing the same thing with each one. There must be thirty or forty accounts. When he’s finished the whole list, he logs out of the computer and leaves the office.

“Oh, man,” I moan, leaning my head down on the desk. “I’m gonna hurl.”